Friday, July 30, 2010

Hunter x Hunter Anime Manga

Hunter × Hunter adalah judul manga karya Yoshihiro Togashi, yang bercerita tentang anak laki-laki berusia 12 tahun bernama Gon Freecss, dan usahanya untuk menemukan ayahnya, Ging Freecss. Ging adalah seorang Hunter, yang dalam cerita Hunter x Hunter yaitu anggota dari suatu kelompok elit yang memiliki segala macam izin untuk melakukan apapun dimanapun.

* Gon Freecss: Seorang anak laki laki berumur 12 tahun yang mengembara untuk menemukan ayahnya yang sudah lama pergi dan tak pernah kembali. Gon mempunyai indera yang sangat tajam karena terbiasa hidup dihutan dan tidak takut pada monster. Gon sangat polos, baik dan setia kawan. Dia bertemu dengan Killua pada ujian hunter dan sejak saat itu Gon dan Killua menjadi teman yang baik. Memiliki Nen bertipe Kyouka, atau penguat, yang sering digunakan secara spesifik oleh Gon untuk melancarkan pukulan yang amat kuat. Jurus spesialnya adalah Jajanken.

* Killua Zaoldyeck: Anak dari keluarga pembunuh bayaran yang sangat terkenal dan ditakuti oleh banyak golongan. Memiliki sifat yang sangat cuek dan suka semaunya sendiri. Dia bertemu dengan Gon pada latihan hunter, namun sayang dia gagal dalam ujian hunter yang pertama karena tekanan kakaknya, Illumi Zaoldyeck. Karena paksaan kakaknya itu, setelah ujian hunter Killua terpaksa ikut kembali kerumahnya. Karena perjuangan tekad Gon, Kurapica,dan Leorio yang nekad menerobos masuk ke rumah keluarga Zaoldyeck di Kururu Mountain, maka akhirnya Killua pun ikut kembali bersama Gon, dan dari saat itu Gon dan Killua tidak pernah berpisah. Killua memiliki Nen bertipe Henka, atau transformasi. Killua mengubah kekuatan Nen miliknya menjadi suatu kekuatan listrik yang cukup mematikan. Killua telah dilatih sedemikian rupa untuk menjadi seorang assassin, terbukti dengan mampunya ia membuka 3 pintu gerbang rumahnya, yang notabene beratnya 16 ton. Killua juga tahan terhadap racun dan aliran listrik.

* Leorio: Orang yang suka humor, bahkan kadang-kadang saat bertempur-pun ia sesekali bercanda. Merupakan salah satu teman baik Kurapica.Dia memiliki cita-cita untuk menjadi seorang dokter karena dia pernah kehilangan seorang teman yang sangat akrab dengan dia,ia tak dapat menyembuhkan temannya itu. dia ikut ujian hunter pun hanya karena dia membutuhkan dana untuk ikut kuliah di universitas kedokteran, pada akhirnya dia berhasil menjadi seorang dokter. Sejauh ini, Leorio hanya menguasai 'Ten' dari 4 dasar 'Nen'.

* Kurapika: Lelaki yang "cantik" ini berumur 16 tahun,ia membuat banyak orang bertanya-tanya apakah dia lelaki atau perempuan. Leorio pernah ingin mengajukan tebakan, apakah Kurapica laki-laki atau perempuan saat ujian hunter di menara trik. Orang yang sangat akrab dengan Gon, bijaksana dan selalu berpikir dengan kepala dingin. Wawasannya luas karena hobinya membaca buku (terutama buku sejarah). Walau demikian, saat mendengar tentang Genei ryodan, sifat kalapnya akan muncul, bersamaan dengan munculnya mata merahnya. Kurapica, sebagai keturunan terakhir suku Kuruta memiliki mata merah yang hanya akan muncul saat ia mulai marah. Kurapica sebenarnya memiliki Nen bertipe Gugenka, materialisasi, yang diwujudkan dengan rantai yang melilit tangan kanannya. Tetapi saat mata merahnya muncul, tipe Nen-nya berubah menjadi Tokushitsu, atau spesialisasi. Saat matanya berubah merah, kemampuan khususnya adalah dapat menggunakan semua tipe nen dengan tingkat kemahiran 100%. Kurapica mempunya dendam yang mendalam terhadap Genei Ryodan. 5 tahun sebelum ujian hunter,Genei Ryodan membunuh seluruh anggota suku Kuruta yang mendiami wilayah Rukuso.Banyak orang memburu mata merah dari suku Kuruta. Saat terjadi pelelangan di Yorkshin city, sepasang bola mata suku Kuruta terjual dengan harga 2,9 milyar.

* Hisoka : Pria misteris yang kuat dan aneh. Sifatnya yang nyentrik, sesuai dengan penampilan sehari-harinya mirip seorang pesulap atau badut (pierrot). Dia bertemu dengan Gon saat ujian hunter dan tertarik akan keberanian Gon dalam menolong Leorio. Menganggap bahwa Gon memiliki kekuatan potensial yang hebat, Hisoka berusaha menghindar untuk membunuh Gon, karena menunggu sampai kekuatan Gon cukup "matang untuk dipanen". Seorang anggota laba-laba atau Genei Ryodan (palsu, karena nomor punggungnya yang bernomor 4 hanya tempelan di punggungnya), walau sebenarnya ia hanya masuk dalam Genei Ryodan demi melawan sang pimpinan, Kuroro Lucifer. Sama seperti Killua, nen Hisoka bertipe Henka. Hyosoka mengubah nen-nya menjadi mirip seperti permen karet (Bungee Gum).Hisoka kemungkinan memiliki ketertarikan dengan salah satu anggota Genei Ryodan, Machi.

* Ging Freecss : Merupakan seorang hunter yang diakui sebagai salah satu hunter terhebat pada masa itu. Ging merupakan ayah dari Gon dan merupakan alasan kenapa Gon berusaha untuk menjadi seorang hunter profesional. Saat Gon masih sangat kecil, Ging meninggalkan Gon dalam perawatan Mito dan ibunya, sementara Ging sendiri menghilang tidak jelas kemana. Ging memiliki tipe nen Tokushitsu atau spesialisasi. Ging adalah salah satu dari 11 pencipta game Greed Island, yaitu Ging, Razor, Elena, Eeta, dan Dwun (aslinya Wdwune), sedangkan untuk 5 orang lagi tidak diketahui asal usulnya.

* Bibi Mito : Adik dari istri Ging Freecss, dia juga mencintai Ging, namun Ging lebih mencintai kakaknya. Dialah yang merawat Gon, sejak Gon masih kecil hingga dia berumur 12 tahun. Dia sangat membenci Ging, karena mengganggap Ging tidak bertanggung jawab dengan menelantarkan Gon begitu saja.

Hunter x Hunter Anime Manga

Hunter × Hunter adalah judul manga karya Yoshihiro Togashi, yang bercerita tentang anak laki-laki berusia 12 tahun bernama Gon Freecss, dan usahanya untuk menemukan ayahnya, Ging Freecss. Ging adalah seorang Hunter, yang dalam cerita Hunter x Hunter yaitu anggota dari suatu kelompok elit yang memiliki segala macam izin untuk melakukan apapun dimanapun.

* Gon Freecss: Seorang anak laki laki berumur 12 tahun yang mengembara untuk menemukan ayahnya yang sudah lama pergi dan tak pernah kembali. Gon mempunyai indera yang sangat tajam karena terbiasa hidup dihutan dan tidak takut pada monster. Gon sangat polos, baik dan setia kawan. Dia bertemu dengan Killua pada ujian hunter dan sejak saat itu Gon dan Killua menjadi teman yang baik. Memiliki Nen bertipe Kyouka, atau penguat, yang sering digunakan secara spesifik oleh Gon untuk melancarkan pukulan yang amat kuat. Jurus spesialnya adalah Jajanken.

* Killua Zaoldyeck: Anak dari keluarga pembunuh bayaran yang sangat terkenal dan ditakuti oleh banyak golongan. Memiliki sifat yang sangat cuek dan suka semaunya sendiri. Dia bertemu dengan Gon pada latihan hunter, namun sayang dia gagal dalam ujian hunter yang pertama karena tekanan kakaknya, Illumi Zaoldyeck. Karena paksaan kakaknya itu, setelah ujian hunter Killua terpaksa ikut kembali kerumahnya. Karena perjuangan tekad Gon, Kurapica,dan Leorio yang nekad menerobos masuk ke rumah keluarga Zaoldyeck di Kururu Mountain, maka akhirnya Killua pun ikut kembali bersama Gon, dan dari saat itu Gon dan Killua tidak pernah berpisah. Killua memiliki Nen bertipe Henka, atau transformasi. Killua mengubah kekuatan Nen miliknya menjadi suatu kekuatan listrik yang cukup mematikan. Killua telah dilatih sedemikian rupa untuk menjadi seorang assassin, terbukti dengan mampunya ia membuka 3 pintu gerbang rumahnya, yang notabene beratnya 16 ton. Killua juga tahan terhadap racun dan aliran listrik.

* Leorio: Orang yang suka humor, bahkan kadang-kadang saat bertempur-pun ia sesekali bercanda. Merupakan salah satu teman baik Kurapica.Dia memiliki cita-cita untuk menjadi seorang dokter karena dia pernah kehilangan seorang teman yang sangat akrab dengan dia,ia tak dapat menyembuhkan temannya itu. dia ikut ujian hunter pun hanya karena dia membutuhkan dana untuk ikut kuliah di universitas kedokteran, pada akhirnya dia berhasil menjadi seorang dokter. Sejauh ini, Leorio hanya menguasai 'Ten' dari 4 dasar 'Nen'.

* Kurapika: Lelaki yang "cantik" ini berumur 16 tahun,ia membuat banyak orang bertanya-tanya apakah dia lelaki atau perempuan. Leorio pernah ingin mengajukan tebakan, apakah Kurapica laki-laki atau perempuan saat ujian hunter di menara trik. Orang yang sangat akrab dengan Gon, bijaksana dan selalu berpikir dengan kepala dingin. Wawasannya luas karena hobinya membaca buku (terutama buku sejarah). Walau demikian, saat mendengar tentang Genei ryodan, sifat kalapnya akan muncul, bersamaan dengan munculnya mata merahnya. Kurapica, sebagai keturunan terakhir suku Kuruta memiliki mata merah yang hanya akan muncul saat ia mulai marah. Kurapica sebenarnya memiliki Nen bertipe Gugenka, materialisasi, yang diwujudkan dengan rantai yang melilit tangan kanannya. Tetapi saat mata merahnya muncul, tipe Nen-nya berubah menjadi Tokushitsu, atau spesialisasi. Saat matanya berubah merah, kemampuan khususnya adalah dapat menggunakan semua tipe nen dengan tingkat kemahiran 100%. Kurapica mempunya dendam yang mendalam terhadap Genei Ryodan. 5 tahun sebelum ujian hunter,Genei Ryodan membunuh seluruh anggota suku Kuruta yang mendiami wilayah Rukuso.Banyak orang memburu mata merah dari suku Kuruta. Saat terjadi pelelangan di Yorkshin city, sepasang bola mata suku Kuruta terjual dengan harga 2,9 milyar.

* Hisoka : Pria misteris yang kuat dan aneh. Sifatnya yang nyentrik, sesuai dengan penampilan sehari-harinya mirip seorang pesulap atau badut (pierrot). Dia bertemu dengan Gon saat ujian hunter dan tertarik akan keberanian Gon dalam menolong Leorio. Menganggap bahwa Gon memiliki kekuatan potensial yang hebat, Hisoka berusaha menghindar untuk membunuh Gon, karena menunggu sampai kekuatan Gon cukup "matang untuk dipanen". Seorang anggota laba-laba atau Genei Ryodan (palsu, karena nomor punggungnya yang bernomor 4 hanya tempelan di punggungnya), walau sebenarnya ia hanya masuk dalam Genei Ryodan demi melawan sang pimpinan, Kuroro Lucifer. Sama seperti Killua, nen Hisoka bertipe Henka. Hyosoka mengubah nen-nya menjadi mirip seperti permen karet (Bungee Gum).Hisoka kemungkinan memiliki ketertarikan dengan salah satu anggota Genei Ryodan, Machi.

* Ging Freecss : Merupakan seorang hunter yang diakui sebagai salah satu hunter terhebat pada masa itu. Ging merupakan ayah dari Gon dan merupakan alasan kenapa Gon berusaha untuk menjadi seorang hunter profesional. Saat Gon masih sangat kecil, Ging meninggalkan Gon dalam perawatan Mito dan ibunya, sementara Ging sendiri menghilang tidak jelas kemana. Ging memiliki tipe nen Tokushitsu atau spesialisasi. Ging adalah salah satu dari 11 pencipta game Greed Island, yaitu Ging, Razor, Elena, Eeta, dan Dwun (aslinya Wdwune), sedangkan untuk 5 orang lagi tidak diketahui asal usulnya.

* Bibi Mito : Adik dari istri Ging Freecss, dia juga mencintai Ging, namun Ging lebih mencintai kakaknya. Dialah yang merawat Gon, sejak Gon masih kecil hingga dia berumur 12 tahun. Dia sangat membenci Ging, karena mengganggap Ging tidak bertanggung jawab dengan menelantarkan Gon begitu saja.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Do you know "Devil May Cry"

Devil May Cry (デビル メイ クライ) is a series of four hack and slash video games set in the modern day(possible the mid to late 1990's), developed by Capcom and created by Hideki Kamiya. Originally intended to be a sequel in Capcom's Resident Evil series, Devil May Cry was such a radical departure from the series' style that it was developed into a new property entirely. Devil May Cry has been cited as the origin of the 3D hack and slash genre of video games followed by the Ninja Gaiden, Shinobi, and God of War series of video games. The series centers on main character Dante's goal of avenging his mother's murder by exterminating demons. The gameplay consists of heavy combat scenes in which the player must attempt to extend long chains of attacks while avoiding damage in order to exhibit stylized combat; this element along with time and amount of items collected and used are taken under consideration when grading the player's performance.
The series has been a success with the first three games selling multiple million copies and being awarded the "Platinum Title" award by Capcom. The success of the video game series has led to the creation of comic books, novelizations, an anime series, guides, collectibles, publications, and a variety of action figures.

Series origins
In 1998, after the completion of Resident Evil 2, preliminary work on a PlayStation 2 installment of the Resident Evil series began under the direction of Hideki Kamiya, under the name "Team Little Devil".[1] Early research and development work included a trip to Spain to examine various castles as a basis for the game's environments. However, in prototype status, it proved to be a radical departure from the established Resident Evil formula and the survival horror genre in general. Rather than abandon the project entirely, the premise was changed and it eventually became Devil May Cry.[2]
Games in the series
Title Year Platforms
Devil May Cry
2001 PlayStation 2

Devil May Cry 2
2003 PlayStation 2

Devil May Cry 3: Dante's Awakening
2005 PlayStation 2, Microsoft Windows

Devil May Cry 4
2008 PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, Microsoft Windows

Devil May Cry 3D 2008 Java ME

Common gameplay elements
The gameplay of the series focuses primarily on fast, highly stylized combat; gaining a high style ranking requires long attack and evasion strings while avoiding damage. In later games, the system was slightly modified so players had to actively vary the attacks used, so as to maintain the style rank. The style rank is tracked during combat with letter grades, from worst to best: D, C, B, A, S. They are also represented by words that start with the first letter of the class, "Dull" for D for example. The third game introduced "SS" and "SSS" ranks, which continues in the fourth. The player's performance on each level is also ranked using these letters.[3]
The game also features some puzzle-solving and exploration elements retained from its survival horror beginnings, but these are downplayed; Devil May Cry games put emphasis on action.

The Devil Trigger ability enables the player's character to transform into a devil-like form with additional powers based on their current weapon, while the character's strength and speed increase and health is slowly restored.[3] Notable weapons in the series include the swords Force Edge/Sparda in Devil May Cry,[4] Rebellion in Devil May Cry 2,[5] and Yamato in Devil May Cry 3.[6] The first three games also eliminated the need to reload or reserve ammunition.
Dante is generally the lead character in the games, though Devil May Cry 2 featured another character who could be selected instead of him (Lucia), the Special Edition of Devil May Cry 3: Dante's Awakening allowed the player to use Vergil, and Devil May Cry 4 features a new protagonist named Nero.
Series innovations
Each game in the series has added new elements to the gameplay.
Devil May Cry introduced the 'style' meter and ranking, encouraging players to attack continuously while avoiding damage.[3]
Devil May Cry 2 introduced the ability to perform combination attacks in mid-air and an evasion button. It also introduced a weapon-change button, so the player could cycle through ranged weapons without switching to the inventory screen.
Devil May Cry 3: Dante's Awakening added a selection of gameplay styles, allowing the player to focus on their favorite techniques or weapons, whether it be swords, guns, evasion or defense. Each of the four basic styles gain experience points, which unlock more techniques and abilities without costing 'red orbs', the common currency of the series. A second weapon-change button was added, allowing the player to cycle through the character's melee weaponry, specifically known as Devil Arms, as well.[7]

Devil May Cry 4 brings one major innovation in the form of main character Nero's "Devil Bringer" arm, which gives players the ability to pull distant enemies in to be attacked, or smash them into the ground. Nero is also armed with a sword that can be "revved" up via a throttle handle, allowing players to precharge the sword for extra damage on the next hit, or with precise timing it can be charged after each attack, for extra damage and style. As Dante, players can also switch fighting styles in mid-combat seamlessly.[8]
Series plot
Devil May Cry series fictional chronology
Devil May Cry 3: Dante's Awakening
Devil May Cry
The Animated Series
Devil May Cry 4
Devil May Cry 2

The chronological order of the Devil May Cry series does not follow the release order of the games. The first game in the time line is Devil May Cry 3, followed by Devil May Cry, Devil May Cry 4 and Devil May Cry 2. The Devil May Cry anime series is set sometime between Devil May Cry and Devil May Cry 4. The novels and manga are not included in this list as they have been officially deemed non-canon due to plot conflicts with the games.[citation needed]
The plot of the series begins with Devil May Cry 3 in Dante's as-of-yet unnamed shop as a mysterious man named Arkham appears to offer an invitation from Dante's brother, Vergil.[9] An immense tower erupts from the ground a short distance away from the shop and Dante takes the situation as a challenge.[10] Following numerous battles Dante arrives at the tower's summit, Temen-Ni-Gru, and battles Vergil. Vergil defeats Dante and departs. He eventually catches up in the control room located in the tower's basement. The brothers battle again until they are interrupted by Lady, then Arkham, who has been manipulating them all to reactivate the tower. Arkham intends to steal the Force Edge, Sparda's sword.[11][12]
Dante crosses over to the demon world and catches up with Arkham, and he and Vergil work together to bring down Arkham. Dante and Vergil battle, and Dante is victorious. Returning to the human world, Dante meets Lady outside the tower where she coins the phrase "devil may cry" while trying to comfort Dante over the loss of his brother. They form a friendship and the beginnings of a partnership in demon-slaying, and he names his shop "Devil May Cry".[13][14]
Devil May Cry begins with Dante being attacked in his office by Trish. He brushes off her assault and she claims that the demon emperor Mundus is planning a return.[15] Dante explores Mallet Island, encountering a variety of demons, including one named Nelo Angelo.[16] Dante is defeated but Nelo Angelo flees. Other encounters with Mundus' demon generals serve to indicate Dante has become even more powerful than his father since his initial awakening in Devil May Cry 3.[17] Nelo Angelo attacks twice more in later missions, and is eventually revealed to be Dante's twin brother, Vergil. Dante enters the underworld in search of Mundus, where Trish sacrifices herself to save him. Dante releases the power of Sparda that Vergil sought in Devil May Cry 3.[18] Dante and Mundus then battle on another plane of existence. Trish returns and lends Dante her power. Dante then defeats Mundus.[19] Dante and Trish escape as the island collapses, and later work together in the renamed shop, "Devil Never Cry".
In the Devil May Cry anime series, Dante is hired as the bodyguard of a young girl named Patty. While initially skeptical of his personality. Patty winds up growing attached to Dante and spends most of her time at his shop, often cleaning it or decorating it in girly fashion, much to Dante's dismay. While Dante's main job during the series is to protect Patty, he spends most of his time doing odd jobs he receives at his shop (which has been renamed back to "Devil May Cry" sometime after the events of Devil May Cry) which often end in him killing demons that harass the city. Lady makes a return, working as a Devil Hunter herself, to hire Dante in order to pay off a huge debt Dante owes. Trish soon shows up as well, and it's revealed that she has been working away from Dante for some time in order to try and establish a solo career as a Devil Hunter. Lady and Trish meet for the first time and do not get along right away. Despite this, the three wind up working together to take on certain difficult jobs. Near the end of the series it is revealed that Patty's mother is the descendant of a human sorcerer, who once sealed away the power of an ancient devil lord, Abigail. Eventually the demon Sid comes out as the villain of the series and reveals his evil plot involving the sealed away power of Abigail. While Lady and Trish fight off demons summoned by Sid, Dante fights and kills Sid himself. Sometime later, Dante, Trish, and Lady all get hired on the same job and take bets on who will win. Patty comes into Dante's shop to clean, showing that the two continue to have a somewhat father-daughter type of relationship.
In Devil May Cry 4 Lady visits Dante's shop (still renamed "Devil May Cry" again, and not "Devil Never Cry") to investigate The Order of the Sword, a cult-like group that worships Sparda and has been collecting Devil Arms. Dante is originally uninterested, but Trish (who appears to have given up her solo career and is working under Dante again) goes on ahead and takes the Sparda sword with her. Later, Nero witnesses Dante crash into an Order meeting and assassinate the leader, Sanctus. Nero attacks Dante and awakens his Devil Bringer arm, only to find that Dante was not taking their fight seriously. Nero pursues Dante, and along the way comes to realize that the Order is opening gates to the demon world in order to harness its power. Sanctus is revived through demonic power, and he sets in motion a plan to have Kyrie, Nero's love interest, kidnapped. Nero pursues and fights against Sanctus, but is captured by him and used together with Kyrie to form the core of The Savior, a giant demon in the form of a god. Dante steps in and destroys all the Hell Gates that the Order has opened, then fights against the Savior. Unable to destroy it from the outside, he leaves that task to Nero to defeat it from the inside. Nero kills Sanctus and rescues Kyrie, and ultimately destroys the Savior. Dante gives Nero the sword Yamato that formerly belonged to Vergil (the Order had found it, broken, and Nero had restored it and used it in his fights as his own Devil Trigger). Later, at the Devil May Cry shop, Lady pays Dante and Trish for their work; however, Trish is unhappy with the amount. Dante avoids dealing with the situation, and as a customer with the password phones in, the three head out to take on another mission.
In Devil May Cry 2, begins with Dante entering a museum where an important item called the Medaglia is stored, where Lucia invites Dante to Dumary Island. Lucia's mother, Matier, asks Dante to help fight Arius, a businessman who wields demonic power.[20] Dante decides to help.[21] Lucia confronts Arius, who reveals that she was his creation.[22] Shortly afterward, Lucia gives Dante the last of the Arcana before leaving.[23] Dante then encounters Matier who asks Dante to take the Arcana to save Lucia from Arius.[24] Lucia attacks Arius, though he captures her. Dante arrives and trades the Arcana for Lucia, then attacks Arius, who escapes.[25] A large stream of energy strikes the Uroburos tower and a portal to the demon world is opened. Dante and Lucia argue over who will enter, with Dante entering the portal to deal with Argosax.[26]
After Dante departs, Arius returns too, though Lucia goes on to defeat him.[27] Within the portal, Dante fights and defeats the partially summoned Argosax. Finding the portal closed, Dante instead drives further into the demon realm on a motorcycle. In the aftermath of the battle, Matier insists to Lucia that Sparda returned from a similar trip. Sometime later in Dante's shop, Lucia muses about Dante and examines the coin he gave her. It shows that it was two headed. Outside the sound of a motorcycle echoes, and Lucia leaves to investigate. The player is not shown whether or not it is Dante.
Cultural impact
The Devil May Cry series has sold over ten million copies world wide,[28] with each release becoming a Platinum title.[29] Devil May Cry has been cited as the beginning of a sub-genre of action games called "Extreme Combat", which focus on powerful heroes fighting hordes of foes with a focus on stylized action.[30] The game has also been described as being the first game that "successfully captured the twitch-based, relentlessly free-flowing gameplay style of so many classic 2D action games".[31] The series has become the game against which other 3D action games are measured, with comparisons in reviews of games including God of War,[32][33] Chaos Legion,[34] and Blood Will Tell.[35]
Dante's confident and fearless attitude have gained him widespread popularity. He was ranked as the seventh of Game Crush's "Top 10: Most Badass Video Game Characters" list,[36] and third among the "Top ten coolest video game characters" list of Screwattack.[37] The popularity of the Devil May Cry series led to a line of Devil May Cry action figures produced by Toycom.[38] Japanese company Kaiyodo produced a similar line for Devil May Cry 2 and a Devil May Cry 3 Dante action figure.[39][40]
Other media
Two Devil May Cry light novels written by Shinya Goikeda and illustrated by Shirow Miwa have been published, first in Japan in 2002 and later translated and released in the United States in 2006. The first, entitled Devil May Cry Volume 1 published in Japan in conjunction with the release of the first game and depicts Dante in an adventure set before the events of the first game. The second novel (entitled Devil May Cry Volume 2 in the U.S.) was published in Japan to coincide with the release of the second game and takes place after the events of the first game. Publisher TokyoPop released the books in the U.S. in June and November 2006, respectively.
Two volumes of a planned 3-part Devil May Cry 3 manga series have been published in Japan and the U.S. Taking place about a year before the events of Devil May Cry 3, the manga tells the story of how the characters came to where they were at the start of the game.
Three issues of a comic adaptation of the first game were published by Canadian publisher Dreamwave Productions in 2004, but was left unfinished when the company went bankrupt in 2005.[41]
An anime series entitled Devil May Cry featuring Dante debuted on the WOWOW TV network in Japan on June 12, 2007. The series ran for 12 episodes.[42][43] The show was produced by the anime studio Madhouse and was directed by Shin Itagaki. Bingo Morihashi, one of the writers for the third and fourth games, was one of the writers. The first full trailer featured Dante in his garb from the first game, and a character list including two of his partners from the games (Lady and Trish) and two new characters.
On July 25, 2008, both WildStorm (a DC Comics’ imprint) and Capcom announce that they are joining to create a new Devil May Cry comic book series. The details on the new comic series, including creative team and launch month, will be announced at a later date.[44]
In other games
• In the Viewtiful Joe games, another Capcom series also created by Hideki Kamiya, Devil May Cry characters appeared in the PlayStation versions. Dante is a playable character in the PS2 version of the first Viewtiful Joe, and the PSP version of Viewtiful Joe: Red Hot Rumble includes him as well as Vergil, Trish, Sparda, Marionette, and Plasma.
• Dante was set to appear in Soulcalibur III, but did not make the roster.[45]
• In a deal between Capcom and Atlus, Megami Tensei character designer Kazuma Kaneko did the designs for Dante's and Vergil's demonic forms in Devil May Cry 3: Dante's Awakening. In turn, Atlus included Dante (as he appeared Devil May Cry 2) as a character in an enhanced release of Shin Megami Tensei III: Nocturne titled Maniax in Japan. The later English localization of Nocturne was based on this Maniax edition of the game.[46]
• Dante and Trish are set to appear in Marvel vs Capcom 3: Fate of Two Worlds.
This section requires expansion.

Aggregate review scores
As of January 5, 2010.
Game GameRankings

Devil May Cry

Devil May Cry 2

Devil May Cry 3: Dante's Awakening

Devil May Cry 3: Special Edition
87.83% (PS2)[53]
70.87% (PC)[54]
87% (PS2)[55]
66% (PC)[56]

Devil May Cry 4
84.48% (PS3)[57]
83.88% (360)[58]
80.26% (PC)[59]
84% (PS3)[60]
84% (360)[61]
78% (PC)[62]

The Devil May Cry series has received overall positive reviews especially with recent titles, however the PC versions have been criticized as being inferior to the original console versions receiving much lower scores than their console counterparts.
See also
• Bayonetta
Book:Devil May Cry series

Books are collections of articles that can be downloaded or ordered in print.

1. ^ Mielke, James (August 18, 2006). "The Okami Family Tree". Retrieved March 29, 2007.
2. ^ "E3 2001: Interview with Shinji Mikami". IGN. May 17, 2001. Retrieved May 25, 2007.
3. ^ a b c Devil May Cry Instruction Booklet. Capcom. 2001.
4. ^ "Demon's Legacy: Force Edge/Sparda," GameInformer 179 (March 2008): 112.
5. ^ "Demon's Legacy: Dante," GameInformer 179 (March 2008): 113.
6. ^ "Demon's Legacy: Yamato," GameInformer 179 (March 2008): 113.
7. ^ "List of styles in Devil May Cry 3". Retrieved April 3, 2007.
8. ^ "Official English language DMC4 site from Capcom Japan". Retrieved January 31, 2007.
9. ^ Arkham: Is your name Dante? Son of Sparda? Dante: Where did you hear that? Arkham: From your brother. He sent this invitation to you. Please accept it. Dante: Invitation huh? (Devil May Cry 3) Capcom, 2005
10. ^ Dante: It's been nearly a year since we last met. Where does the time go? No doubt you've got some fun planned for me. Right Vergil? (Devil May Cry 3) Capcom, 2005
11. ^ Jester: It was quite a ride, you know! If any of you had died before getting here, our little plan would have gone to waste! Therefore, my job was to get you to battle each other in order to weaken you. But at the same time, I needed to guide you here and make sure you were kept alive. I even went so far as dressing like a complete idiot! (Devil May Cry 3) Capcom, 2005
12. ^ Arkham: He plucks the threads that make us dance, finger and toe! We surrender in joy to the lowest of the foul and rank; we submerge through darkness, rancid filth. Hour by hour, we move downward, ever closer to Hell, in a slow, steady gait. Now, let the world resonate! Sloth! Gluttony! Greed! Envy! Lust! Wrath! And pride! A bell of chaos that tolls human desires! After two thousand long years, the once sealed gate to the demonic world will open! Destruction! Carnage and Despair! Let your instincts drive you! Entrap this world in fear! As its very name Temen-ni-gru strikes terror into the heart of mankind. Then I will become the ultimate ruler of this wasteland engulfed with pandemonium. The demonic power that Sparda once imprisoned... will be mine! (Devil May Cry 3) Capcom, 2005
13. ^ Lady: Are you crying? Dante: It's only the rain. Lady: The rain already stopped. Dante: Devils never cry. Lady: I see. Maybe somewhere out there even a devil may cry when he loses a loved one. Don't you think? Dante: Maybe. (Devil May Cry 3) Capcom, 2005
14. ^ Lady: Oh, speaking of a kind devil, he finally decided on a name for his shop. It took him quite a while to pick one. Want to know the name? Devil May Cry. (Devil May Cry 3) Capcom, 2005
15. ^ Trish: Yes, his powers were sealed by Sparda, he's attempting to take control of the human world again. He has been preparing to open the gate on... Mallet Island. (Devil May Cry) Capcom, 2001
16. ^ Dante: This stinking hole was the last place that I thought I’d find anyone with some guts. (Devil May Cry) Capcom, 2001
17. ^ Griffon: Yours is definitely the power of Sparda... No. Even more so. (Devil May Cry) Capcom, 2001
18. ^ Dante: How much longer are you going to keep zapping? Come out and show yourself, Mundus! (Devil May Cry) Capcom, 2001
19. ^ Trish: Dante, use my power! Dante: Trish! Okay! (Devil May Cry) Capcom, 2001
20. ^ Matier: Son of Sparda... we must ask this favor, of you... You see, there's a man who's transformed our land into a demon's paradise; his name is Arius. And although he is the president, of an international public corporation... he uses the demon power. Please, deal with Arius and his master for us. (Devil May Cry 2) Capcom, 2003
21. ^ (After flipping a coin and noticing the result is heads.) Dante: ...Looks like it's your lucky day. (Devil May Cry 2) Capcom, 2003
22. ^ Arius: You are my creation. Lucia: Liar! Matier is my mother. Arius' secretary removes her mask, revealing the fact her face is identical to Lucia's. Arius: She merely found you when you were about to be disposed of, and then raised you as a soldier. Is that what you consider to be a mother? (Devil May Cry 2) Capcom, 2003
23. ^ Lucia: But... actually... I do not deserve this power... Lucia: Bring this to Matier for me... please... I... I've got something that I need to take care of... (Devil May Cry 2) Capcom, 2003
24. ^ Matier: There is one more thing I need to ask of you, son of Sparda. My daughter went to face Arius all by herself... Please, take these, and save Lucia. (Devil May Cry 2) Capcom, 2003
25. ^ Arius: You cannot win... someone is holding you back... Lucia: Ugh, forget about me! Kill Arius! Dante: Don't worry. I've got you... (Devil May Cry 2) Capcom, 2003
26. ^ Lucia: But...! Dante: Let's leave it to fate. Heads, I go; Tails, you go. He flips the coin and it lands as heads again Dante:See ya around. Lucia: Don't you want to hear the story about Sparda from... Matier? Dante: I know... He did the same thing... Hold on to my coin, Lucia. (Devil May Cry 2) Capcom, 2003
27. ^ Arius: You are not human! You are just a monster... a monster that I created! Lucia: Dante told me... Devils never cry! (Devil May Cry 2) Capcom, 2003
28. ^ Haruhiro Tsujimoto (February 20, 2008). "Smokin'! Capcom's "Devil May Cry 4" Ships over 2 Million Stylish Units - Making it the fastest game in the DMC series to reach that milestone". Capcom. Retrieved February 21, 2008.
29. ^ "Platinum Titles". Capcom. January 17, 2007. Retrieved April 4, 2007.
30. ^ Bateman, Chris; Richard Boon (August 29, 2005). 21st Century Game Design. Charles River Media. pp. 246–247. ISBN 978-1-58-450429-0.
31. ^ Ahmed, Shahed (October 17, 2001). "Gamespot Devil May Cry review". GameSpot. Retrieved March 29, 2007.
32. ^ "God of War". IGN. Retrieved April 3, 2007.
33. ^ "God of War Review". Playstation World. June 16, 2005. Retrieved April 3, 2003.
34. ^ Varanini, Giancarlo (August 4, 2003). "Chaos Legion review". Gamespot.;review. Retrieved April 3, 2007.
35. ^ Bedigian, Louis (September 29, 2004). "Blood Will Tell review". Gamezone. Retrieved April 3, 2007.
36. ^ Rocco Inzauto, Edward (February 25, 2007). "Top 10: Most Badass Video Game Characters". Retrieved April 20, 2007.
37. ^ "Top ten coolest games". Retrieved April 20, 2007.
38. ^ Borst, Brian (June 1, 2003). "Devil May Cry Action Figures review". Retrieved April 20, 2007.
39. ^ " Listing for Devil May Cry 2 Action Figures". Retrieved April 23, 2007.
40. ^ " Listing for Devil May Cry 3 Dante Revoltech action figure". Retrieved April 23, 2007.
41. ^ "Dreamwave Productions closes up shop". Retrieved April 23, 2007.
42. ^ "ActiveAnime:Devil May Cry Anime and Pre Site Opening". Retrieved January 23, 2007.
43. ^ "Devil May Cry anime official site (in Japanese)". Retrieved January 23, 2007.
44. ^ Mike Fahey (July 29, 2008). "Resident Evil And Devil May Cry Comics On The Way". Kotaku. Retrieved August 31, 2008.
45. ^ James Ransom-Wiley (February 9, 2005). "Joystiq's report on Dante's inclusion on the Soul Calibur III roster". Retrieved April 4, 2007.
46. ^ "Atlus USA presents Shin Megami Tensei: Nocturne". Atlus. Retrieved April 16, 2007.
47. ^ "Devil May Cry - GameRankings". GameRankings. Retrieved January 5, 2010.
48. ^ "Devil May Cry reviews at". Metacritic. Retrieved January 5, 2010.
49. ^ "Devil May Cry 2 - GameRankings". GameRankings. Retrieved January 5, 2010.
50. ^ "Devil May Cry 2 reviews at". Metacritic. Retrieved January 5, 2010.
51. ^ "Devil May Cry 3: Dante's Awakening - GameRankings". GameRankings. Retrieved January 5, 2010.
52. ^ "Devil May Cry 3: Dante's Awakening reviews at". Metacritic. Retrieved January 5, 2010.
53. ^ "Devil May Cry 3: Special Edition - GameRankings". GameRankings. Retrieved January 5, 2010.
54. ^ "Devil May Cry 3: Special Edition (PC) - GameRankings". GameRankings. Retrieved January 5, 2010.
55. ^ "Devil May Cry 3: Special Edition reviews at". Metacritic. Retrieved January 5, 2010.
56. ^ "Devil May Cry 3: Special Edition (PC) reviews at". Metacritic. Retrieved January 5, 2010.
57. ^ "Devil May Cry 4 (PS3) - GameRankings". GameRankings. Retrieved January 5, 2010.
58. ^ "Devil May Cry 4 (360) - GameRankings". GameRankings. Retrieved January 5, 2010.
59. ^ "Devil May Cry 4 (PC) - GameRankings". GameRankings. Retrieved January 5, 2010.
60. ^ "Devil May Cry 4 (PS3) reviews at". Metacritic. Retrieved January 5, 2010.
61. ^ "Devil May Cry 4 (360) reviews at". Metacritic. Retrieved January 5, 2010.
62. ^ "Devil May Cry 4 (PC) reviews at". Metacritic. Retrieved January 5, 2010.

More Info

Do you know "Devil May Cry"

Devil May Cry (デビル メイ クライ) is a series of four hack and slash video games set in the modern day(possible the mid to late 1990's), developed by Capcom and created by Hideki Kamiya. Originally intended to be a sequel in Capcom's Resident Evil series, Devil May Cry was such a radical departure from the series' style that it was developed into a new property entirely. Devil May Cry has been cited as the origin of the 3D hack and slash genre of video games followed by the Ninja Gaiden, Shinobi, and God of War series of video games. The series centers on main character Dante's goal of avenging his mother's murder by exterminating demons. The gameplay consists of heavy combat scenes in which the player must attempt to extend long chains of attacks while avoiding damage in order to exhibit stylized combat; this element along with time and amount of items collected and used are taken under consideration when grading the player's performance.
The series has been a success with the first three games selling multiple million copies and being awarded the "Platinum Title" award by Capcom. The success of the video game series has led to the creation of comic books, novelizations, an anime series, guides, collectibles, publications, and a variety of action figures.

Series origins
In 1998, after the completion of Resident Evil 2, preliminary work on a PlayStation 2 installment of the Resident Evil series began under the direction of Hideki Kamiya, under the name "Team Little Devil".[1] Early research and development work included a trip to Spain to examine various castles as a basis for the game's environments. However, in prototype status, it proved to be a radical departure from the established Resident Evil formula and the survival horror genre in general. Rather than abandon the project entirely, the premise was changed and it eventually became Devil May Cry.[2]
Games in the series
Title Year Platforms
Devil May Cry
2001 PlayStation 2

Devil May Cry 2
2003 PlayStation 2

Devil May Cry 3: Dante's Awakening
2005 PlayStation 2, Microsoft Windows

Devil May Cry 4
2008 PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, Microsoft Windows

Devil May Cry 3D 2008 Java ME

Common gameplay elements
The gameplay of the series focuses primarily on fast, highly stylized combat; gaining a high style ranking requires long attack and evasion strings while avoiding damage. In later games, the system was slightly modified so players had to actively vary the attacks used, so as to maintain the style rank. The style rank is tracked during combat with letter grades, from worst to best: D, C, B, A, S. They are also represented by words that start with the first letter of the class, "Dull" for D for example. The third game introduced "SS" and "SSS" ranks, which continues in the fourth. The player's performance on each level is also ranked using these letters.[3]
The game also features some puzzle-solving and exploration elements retained from its survival horror beginnings, but these are downplayed; Devil May Cry games put emphasis on action.

The Devil Trigger ability enables the player's character to transform into a devil-like form with additional powers based on their current weapon, while the character's strength and speed increase and health is slowly restored.[3] Notable weapons in the series include the swords Force Edge/Sparda in Devil May Cry,[4] Rebellion in Devil May Cry 2,[5] and Yamato in Devil May Cry 3.[6] The first three games also eliminated the need to reload or reserve ammunition.
Dante is generally the lead character in the games, though Devil May Cry 2 featured another character who could be selected instead of him (Lucia), the Special Edition of Devil May Cry 3: Dante's Awakening allowed the player to use Vergil, and Devil May Cry 4 features a new protagonist named Nero.
Series innovations
Each game in the series has added new elements to the gameplay.
Devil May Cry introduced the 'style' meter and ranking, encouraging players to attack continuously while avoiding damage.[3]
Devil May Cry 2 introduced the ability to perform combination attacks in mid-air and an evasion button. It also introduced a weapon-change button, so the player could cycle through ranged weapons without switching to the inventory screen.
Devil May Cry 3: Dante's Awakening added a selection of gameplay styles, allowing the player to focus on their favorite techniques or weapons, whether it be swords, guns, evasion or defense. Each of the four basic styles gain experience points, which unlock more techniques and abilities without costing 'red orbs', the common currency of the series. A second weapon-change button was added, allowing the player to cycle through the character's melee weaponry, specifically known as Devil Arms, as well.[7]

Devil May Cry 4 brings one major innovation in the form of main character Nero's "Devil Bringer" arm, which gives players the ability to pull distant enemies in to be attacked, or smash them into the ground. Nero is also armed with a sword that can be "revved" up via a throttle handle, allowing players to precharge the sword for extra damage on the next hit, or with precise timing it can be charged after each attack, for extra damage and style. As Dante, players can also switch fighting styles in mid-combat seamlessly.[8]
Series plot
Devil May Cry series fictional chronology
Devil May Cry 3: Dante's Awakening
Devil May Cry
The Animated Series
Devil May Cry 4
Devil May Cry 2

The chronological order of the Devil May Cry series does not follow the release order of the games. The first game in the time line is Devil May Cry 3, followed by Devil May Cry, Devil May Cry 4 and Devil May Cry 2. The Devil May Cry anime series is set sometime between Devil May Cry and Devil May Cry 4. The novels and manga are not included in this list as they have been officially deemed non-canon due to plot conflicts with the games.[citation needed]
The plot of the series begins with Devil May Cry 3 in Dante's as-of-yet unnamed shop as a mysterious man named Arkham appears to offer an invitation from Dante's brother, Vergil.[9] An immense tower erupts from the ground a short distance away from the shop and Dante takes the situation as a challenge.[10] Following numerous battles Dante arrives at the tower's summit, Temen-Ni-Gru, and battles Vergil. Vergil defeats Dante and departs. He eventually catches up in the control room located in the tower's basement. The brothers battle again until they are interrupted by Lady, then Arkham, who has been manipulating them all to reactivate the tower. Arkham intends to steal the Force Edge, Sparda's sword.[11][12]
Dante crosses over to the demon world and catches up with Arkham, and he and Vergil work together to bring down Arkham. Dante and Vergil battle, and Dante is victorious. Returning to the human world, Dante meets Lady outside the tower where she coins the phrase "devil may cry" while trying to comfort Dante over the loss of his brother. They form a friendship and the beginnings of a partnership in demon-slaying, and he names his shop "Devil May Cry".[13][14]
Devil May Cry begins with Dante being attacked in his office by Trish. He brushes off her assault and she claims that the demon emperor Mundus is planning a return.[15] Dante explores Mallet Island, encountering a variety of demons, including one named Nelo Angelo.[16] Dante is defeated but Nelo Angelo flees. Other encounters with Mundus' demon generals serve to indicate Dante has become even more powerful than his father since his initial awakening in Devil May Cry 3.[17] Nelo Angelo attacks twice more in later missions, and is eventually revealed to be Dante's twin brother, Vergil. Dante enters the underworld in search of Mundus, where Trish sacrifices herself to save him. Dante releases the power of Sparda that Vergil sought in Devil May Cry 3.[18] Dante and Mundus then battle on another plane of existence. Trish returns and lends Dante her power. Dante then defeats Mundus.[19] Dante and Trish escape as the island collapses, and later work together in the renamed shop, "Devil Never Cry".
In the Devil May Cry anime series, Dante is hired as the bodyguard of a young girl named Patty. While initially skeptical of his personality. Patty winds up growing attached to Dante and spends most of her time at his shop, often cleaning it or decorating it in girly fashion, much to Dante's dismay. While Dante's main job during the series is to protect Patty, he spends most of his time doing odd jobs he receives at his shop (which has been renamed back to "Devil May Cry" sometime after the events of Devil May Cry) which often end in him killing demons that harass the city. Lady makes a return, working as a Devil Hunter herself, to hire Dante in order to pay off a huge debt Dante owes. Trish soon shows up as well, and it's revealed that she has been working away from Dante for some time in order to try and establish a solo career as a Devil Hunter. Lady and Trish meet for the first time and do not get along right away. Despite this, the three wind up working together to take on certain difficult jobs. Near the end of the series it is revealed that Patty's mother is the descendant of a human sorcerer, who once sealed away the power of an ancient devil lord, Abigail. Eventually the demon Sid comes out as the villain of the series and reveals his evil plot involving the sealed away power of Abigail. While Lady and Trish fight off demons summoned by Sid, Dante fights and kills Sid himself. Sometime later, Dante, Trish, and Lady all get hired on the same job and take bets on who will win. Patty comes into Dante's shop to clean, showing that the two continue to have a somewhat father-daughter type of relationship.
In Devil May Cry 4 Lady visits Dante's shop (still renamed "Devil May Cry" again, and not "Devil Never Cry") to investigate The Order of the Sword, a cult-like group that worships Sparda and has been collecting Devil Arms. Dante is originally uninterested, but Trish (who appears to have given up her solo career and is working under Dante again) goes on ahead and takes the Sparda sword with her. Later, Nero witnesses Dante crash into an Order meeting and assassinate the leader, Sanctus. Nero attacks Dante and awakens his Devil Bringer arm, only to find that Dante was not taking their fight seriously. Nero pursues Dante, and along the way comes to realize that the Order is opening gates to the demon world in order to harness its power. Sanctus is revived through demonic power, and he sets in motion a plan to have Kyrie, Nero's love interest, kidnapped. Nero pursues and fights against Sanctus, but is captured by him and used together with Kyrie to form the core of The Savior, a giant demon in the form of a god. Dante steps in and destroys all the Hell Gates that the Order has opened, then fights against the Savior. Unable to destroy it from the outside, he leaves that task to Nero to defeat it from the inside. Nero kills Sanctus and rescues Kyrie, and ultimately destroys the Savior. Dante gives Nero the sword Yamato that formerly belonged to Vergil (the Order had found it, broken, and Nero had restored it and used it in his fights as his own Devil Trigger). Later, at the Devil May Cry shop, Lady pays Dante and Trish for their work; however, Trish is unhappy with the amount. Dante avoids dealing with the situation, and as a customer with the password phones in, the three head out to take on another mission.
In Devil May Cry 2, begins with Dante entering a museum where an important item called the Medaglia is stored, where Lucia invites Dante to Dumary Island. Lucia's mother, Matier, asks Dante to help fight Arius, a businessman who wields demonic power.[20] Dante decides to help.[21] Lucia confronts Arius, who reveals that she was his creation.[22] Shortly afterward, Lucia gives Dante the last of the Arcana before leaving.[23] Dante then encounters Matier who asks Dante to take the Arcana to save Lucia from Arius.[24] Lucia attacks Arius, though he captures her. Dante arrives and trades the Arcana for Lucia, then attacks Arius, who escapes.[25] A large stream of energy strikes the Uroburos tower and a portal to the demon world is opened. Dante and Lucia argue over who will enter, with Dante entering the portal to deal with Argosax.[26]
After Dante departs, Arius returns too, though Lucia goes on to defeat him.[27] Within the portal, Dante fights and defeats the partially summoned Argosax. Finding the portal closed, Dante instead drives further into the demon realm on a motorcycle. In the aftermath of the battle, Matier insists to Lucia that Sparda returned from a similar trip. Sometime later in Dante's shop, Lucia muses about Dante and examines the coin he gave her. It shows that it was two headed. Outside the sound of a motorcycle echoes, and Lucia leaves to investigate. The player is not shown whether or not it is Dante.
Cultural impact
The Devil May Cry series has sold over ten million copies world wide,[28] with each release becoming a Platinum title.[29] Devil May Cry has been cited as the beginning of a sub-genre of action games called "Extreme Combat", which focus on powerful heroes fighting hordes of foes with a focus on stylized action.[30] The game has also been described as being the first game that "successfully captured the twitch-based, relentlessly free-flowing gameplay style of so many classic 2D action games".[31] The series has become the game against which other 3D action games are measured, with comparisons in reviews of games including God of War,[32][33] Chaos Legion,[34] and Blood Will Tell.[35]
Dante's confident and fearless attitude have gained him widespread popularity. He was ranked as the seventh of Game Crush's "Top 10: Most Badass Video Game Characters" list,[36] and third among the "Top ten coolest video game characters" list of Screwattack.[37] The popularity of the Devil May Cry series led to a line of Devil May Cry action figures produced by Toycom.[38] Japanese company Kaiyodo produced a similar line for Devil May Cry 2 and a Devil May Cry 3 Dante action figure.[39][40]
Other media
Two Devil May Cry light novels written by Shinya Goikeda and illustrated by Shirow Miwa have been published, first in Japan in 2002 and later translated and released in the United States in 2006. The first, entitled Devil May Cry Volume 1 published in Japan in conjunction with the release of the first game and depicts Dante in an adventure set before the events of the first game. The second novel (entitled Devil May Cry Volume 2 in the U.S.) was published in Japan to coincide with the release of the second game and takes place after the events of the first game. Publisher TokyoPop released the books in the U.S. in June and November 2006, respectively.
Two volumes of a planned 3-part Devil May Cry 3 manga series have been published in Japan and the U.S. Taking place about a year before the events of Devil May Cry 3, the manga tells the story of how the characters came to where they were at the start of the game.
Three issues of a comic adaptation of the first game were published by Canadian publisher Dreamwave Productions in 2004, but was left unfinished when the company went bankrupt in 2005.[41]
An anime series entitled Devil May Cry featuring Dante debuted on the WOWOW TV network in Japan on June 12, 2007. The series ran for 12 episodes.[42][43] The show was produced by the anime studio Madhouse and was directed by Shin Itagaki. Bingo Morihashi, one of the writers for the third and fourth games, was one of the writers. The first full trailer featured Dante in his garb from the first game, and a character list including two of his partners from the games (Lady and Trish) and two new characters.
On July 25, 2008, both WildStorm (a DC Comics’ imprint) and Capcom announce that they are joining to create a new Devil May Cry comic book series. The details on the new comic series, including creative team and launch month, will be announced at a later date.[44]
In other games
• In the Viewtiful Joe games, another Capcom series also created by Hideki Kamiya, Devil May Cry characters appeared in the PlayStation versions. Dante is a playable character in the PS2 version of the first Viewtiful Joe, and the PSP version of Viewtiful Joe: Red Hot Rumble includes him as well as Vergil, Trish, Sparda, Marionette, and Plasma.
• Dante was set to appear in Soulcalibur III, but did not make the roster.[45]
• In a deal between Capcom and Atlus, Megami Tensei character designer Kazuma Kaneko did the designs for Dante's and Vergil's demonic forms in Devil May Cry 3: Dante's Awakening. In turn, Atlus included Dante (as he appeared Devil May Cry 2) as a character in an enhanced release of Shin Megami Tensei III: Nocturne titled Maniax in Japan. The later English localization of Nocturne was based on this Maniax edition of the game.[46]
• Dante and Trish are set to appear in Marvel vs Capcom 3: Fate of Two Worlds.
This section requires expansion.

Aggregate review scores
As of January 5, 2010.
Game GameRankings

Devil May Cry

Devil May Cry 2

Devil May Cry 3: Dante's Awakening

Devil May Cry 3: Special Edition
87.83% (PS2)[53]
70.87% (PC)[54]
87% (PS2)[55]
66% (PC)[56]

Devil May Cry 4
84.48% (PS3)[57]
83.88% (360)[58]
80.26% (PC)[59]
84% (PS3)[60]
84% (360)[61]
78% (PC)[62]

The Devil May Cry series has received overall positive reviews especially with recent titles, however the PC versions have been criticized as being inferior to the original console versions receiving much lower scores than their console counterparts.
See also
• Bayonetta
Book:Devil May Cry series

Books are collections of articles that can be downloaded or ordered in print.

1. ^ Mielke, James (August 18, 2006). "The Okami Family Tree". Retrieved March 29, 2007.
2. ^ "E3 2001: Interview with Shinji Mikami". IGN. May 17, 2001. Retrieved May 25, 2007.
3. ^ a b c Devil May Cry Instruction Booklet. Capcom. 2001.
4. ^ "Demon's Legacy: Force Edge/Sparda," GameInformer 179 (March 2008): 112.
5. ^ "Demon's Legacy: Dante," GameInformer 179 (March 2008): 113.
6. ^ "Demon's Legacy: Yamato," GameInformer 179 (March 2008): 113.
7. ^ "List of styles in Devil May Cry 3". Retrieved April 3, 2007.
8. ^ "Official English language DMC4 site from Capcom Japan". Retrieved January 31, 2007.
9. ^ Arkham: Is your name Dante? Son of Sparda? Dante: Where did you hear that? Arkham: From your brother. He sent this invitation to you. Please accept it. Dante: Invitation huh? (Devil May Cry 3) Capcom, 2005
10. ^ Dante: It's been nearly a year since we last met. Where does the time go? No doubt you've got some fun planned for me. Right Vergil? (Devil May Cry 3) Capcom, 2005
11. ^ Jester: It was quite a ride, you know! If any of you had died before getting here, our little plan would have gone to waste! Therefore, my job was to get you to battle each other in order to weaken you. But at the same time, I needed to guide you here and make sure you were kept alive. I even went so far as dressing like a complete idiot! (Devil May Cry 3) Capcom, 2005
12. ^ Arkham: He plucks the threads that make us dance, finger and toe! We surrender in joy to the lowest of the foul and rank; we submerge through darkness, rancid filth. Hour by hour, we move downward, ever closer to Hell, in a slow, steady gait. Now, let the world resonate! Sloth! Gluttony! Greed! Envy! Lust! Wrath! And pride! A bell of chaos that tolls human desires! After two thousand long years, the once sealed gate to the demonic world will open! Destruction! Carnage and Despair! Let your instincts drive you! Entrap this world in fear! As its very name Temen-ni-gru strikes terror into the heart of mankind. Then I will become the ultimate ruler of this wasteland engulfed with pandemonium. The demonic power that Sparda once imprisoned... will be mine! (Devil May Cry 3) Capcom, 2005
13. ^ Lady: Are you crying? Dante: It's only the rain. Lady: The rain already stopped. Dante: Devils never cry. Lady: I see. Maybe somewhere out there even a devil may cry when he loses a loved one. Don't you think? Dante: Maybe. (Devil May Cry 3) Capcom, 2005
14. ^ Lady: Oh, speaking of a kind devil, he finally decided on a name for his shop. It took him quite a while to pick one. Want to know the name? Devil May Cry. (Devil May Cry 3) Capcom, 2005
15. ^ Trish: Yes, his powers were sealed by Sparda, he's attempting to take control of the human world again. He has been preparing to open the gate on... Mallet Island. (Devil May Cry) Capcom, 2001
16. ^ Dante: This stinking hole was the last place that I thought I’d find anyone with some guts. (Devil May Cry) Capcom, 2001
17. ^ Griffon: Yours is definitely the power of Sparda... No. Even more so. (Devil May Cry) Capcom, 2001
18. ^ Dante: How much longer are you going to keep zapping? Come out and show yourself, Mundus! (Devil May Cry) Capcom, 2001
19. ^ Trish: Dante, use my power! Dante: Trish! Okay! (Devil May Cry) Capcom, 2001
20. ^ Matier: Son of Sparda... we must ask this favor, of you... You see, there's a man who's transformed our land into a demon's paradise; his name is Arius. And although he is the president, of an international public corporation... he uses the demon power. Please, deal with Arius and his master for us. (Devil May Cry 2) Capcom, 2003
21. ^ (After flipping a coin and noticing the result is heads.) Dante: ...Looks like it's your lucky day. (Devil May Cry 2) Capcom, 2003
22. ^ Arius: You are my creation. Lucia: Liar! Matier is my mother. Arius' secretary removes her mask, revealing the fact her face is identical to Lucia's. Arius: She merely found you when you were about to be disposed of, and then raised you as a soldier. Is that what you consider to be a mother? (Devil May Cry 2) Capcom, 2003
23. ^ Lucia: But... actually... I do not deserve this power... Lucia: Bring this to Matier for me... please... I... I've got something that I need to take care of... (Devil May Cry 2) Capcom, 2003
24. ^ Matier: There is one more thing I need to ask of you, son of Sparda. My daughter went to face Arius all by herself... Please, take these, and save Lucia. (Devil May Cry 2) Capcom, 2003
25. ^ Arius: You cannot win... someone is holding you back... Lucia: Ugh, forget about me! Kill Arius! Dante: Don't worry. I've got you... (Devil May Cry 2) Capcom, 2003
26. ^ Lucia: But...! Dante: Let's leave it to fate. Heads, I go; Tails, you go. He flips the coin and it lands as heads again Dante:See ya around. Lucia: Don't you want to hear the story about Sparda from... Matier? Dante: I know... He did the same thing... Hold on to my coin, Lucia. (Devil May Cry 2) Capcom, 2003
27. ^ Arius: You are not human! You are just a monster... a monster that I created! Lucia: Dante told me... Devils never cry! (Devil May Cry 2) Capcom, 2003
28. ^ Haruhiro Tsujimoto (February 20, 2008). "Smokin'! Capcom's "Devil May Cry 4" Ships over 2 Million Stylish Units - Making it the fastest game in the DMC series to reach that milestone". Capcom. Retrieved February 21, 2008.
29. ^ "Platinum Titles". Capcom. January 17, 2007. Retrieved April 4, 2007.
30. ^ Bateman, Chris; Richard Boon (August 29, 2005). 21st Century Game Design. Charles River Media. pp. 246–247. ISBN 978-1-58-450429-0.
31. ^ Ahmed, Shahed (October 17, 2001). "Gamespot Devil May Cry review". GameSpot. Retrieved March 29, 2007.
32. ^ "God of War". IGN. Retrieved April 3, 2007.
33. ^ "God of War Review". Playstation World. June 16, 2005. Retrieved April 3, 2003.
34. ^ Varanini, Giancarlo (August 4, 2003). "Chaos Legion review". Gamespot.;review. Retrieved April 3, 2007.
35. ^ Bedigian, Louis (September 29, 2004). "Blood Will Tell review". Gamezone. Retrieved April 3, 2007.
36. ^ Rocco Inzauto, Edward (February 25, 2007). "Top 10: Most Badass Video Game Characters". Retrieved April 20, 2007.
37. ^ "Top ten coolest games". Retrieved April 20, 2007.
38. ^ Borst, Brian (June 1, 2003). "Devil May Cry Action Figures review". Retrieved April 20, 2007.
39. ^ " Listing for Devil May Cry 2 Action Figures". Retrieved April 23, 2007.
40. ^ " Listing for Devil May Cry 3 Dante Revoltech action figure". Retrieved April 23, 2007.
41. ^ "Dreamwave Productions closes up shop". Retrieved April 23, 2007.
42. ^ "ActiveAnime:Devil May Cry Anime and Pre Site Opening". Retrieved January 23, 2007.
43. ^ "Devil May Cry anime official site (in Japanese)". Retrieved January 23, 2007.
44. ^ Mike Fahey (July 29, 2008). "Resident Evil And Devil May Cry Comics On The Way". Kotaku. Retrieved August 31, 2008.
45. ^ James Ransom-Wiley (February 9, 2005). "Joystiq's report on Dante's inclusion on the Soul Calibur III roster". Retrieved April 4, 2007.
46. ^ "Atlus USA presents Shin Megami Tensei: Nocturne". Atlus. Retrieved April 16, 2007.
47. ^ "Devil May Cry - GameRankings". GameRankings. Retrieved January 5, 2010.
48. ^ "Devil May Cry reviews at". Metacritic. Retrieved January 5, 2010.
49. ^ "Devil May Cry 2 - GameRankings". GameRankings. Retrieved January 5, 2010.
50. ^ "Devil May Cry 2 reviews at". Metacritic. Retrieved January 5, 2010.
51. ^ "Devil May Cry 3: Dante's Awakening - GameRankings". GameRankings. Retrieved January 5, 2010.
52. ^ "Devil May Cry 3: Dante's Awakening reviews at". Metacritic. Retrieved January 5, 2010.
53. ^ "Devil May Cry 3: Special Edition - GameRankings". GameRankings. Retrieved January 5, 2010.
54. ^ "Devil May Cry 3: Special Edition (PC) - GameRankings". GameRankings. Retrieved January 5, 2010.
55. ^ "Devil May Cry 3: Special Edition reviews at". Metacritic. Retrieved January 5, 2010.
56. ^ "Devil May Cry 3: Special Edition (PC) reviews at". Metacritic. Retrieved January 5, 2010.
57. ^ "Devil May Cry 4 (PS3) - GameRankings". GameRankings. Retrieved January 5, 2010.
58. ^ "Devil May Cry 4 (360) - GameRankings". GameRankings. Retrieved January 5, 2010.
59. ^ "Devil May Cry 4 (PC) - GameRankings". GameRankings. Retrieved January 5, 2010.
60. ^ "Devil May Cry 4 (PS3) reviews at". Metacritic. Retrieved January 5, 2010.
61. ^ "Devil May Cry 4 (360) reviews at". Metacritic. Retrieved January 5, 2010.
62. ^ "Devil May Cry 4 (PC) reviews at". Metacritic. Retrieved January 5, 2010.

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Thursday, July 22, 2010

Features New Dhaihatsu Charade

There is no doubting the game Daihatsu has the world's most efficient 1.0-liter gasoline engine with an unmatched fuel, emissions and performance combination. By example, Daihatsu is a British dramatist No one of four passengers to economy-petrol engine with Urban / Extra Urban and Combined figures 47.1/68.9, and 58.9 mpg in manual form. Figures 14.1 mpg 58.9 mpg is surprisingly better than Amica, Hyundai excel 1.0 to 11.8 mpg, Fiat Seicento and led the SEAT Arosa 1.0 liters of 11.2 mpg.

Daihatsu charade top speed of 93.1 mph maximum manual or automatic - and with CO2 emissions are much higher. In fact, Daihatsu charade manual emissions from 114 g / km qualify for the lowest possible cost the owner of Road Permit Fund for £ 70 for 12 months (AA band up to 120 g / km).

Not to be outdone, "Daihatsu game also auto-class leader with Urban / Extra Urban Combined figures fuel economy 38.7/55.4 and 47.9 mpg. Its CO2 emissions are ultra-low 140 g / km. Of course, cars Euro4 new emission standards. Three Cylinder, Twin-Cam With Dynamic Variable Valve Timing.

Daihatsu has long experience in the art of efficient production of small-capacity three-cylinder engine currently offered in both large and small Cuore. Compared with the Cuore and Sirion, Daihatsu charade has a new five-speed manual transmission is enhanced with more precise feel and direct linear shift.

Daihatsu refers to the larger Renault Clio for a ride and smooth, with extensive construction work carried out on the streets of Europe. The result is a long suspension stroke, especially for the front and setting the game back, both in compression and rebound. This gives a lift, smooth controls compliant with the strong but to float damping decreases.

Persembahan Daihatsu Pada Tahun 2010

At last year's market share of 15.4% daihatsu obtained. In the year 2010 is the newest products such daihatsu Terios TS A / T and Gran Max Improvement and also Anyar other products, such as the White Cruiser, Terios, Luxio White Premier, Xenia Matic, and Sirion slalom. No less interesting, Daihatsu stand also comes with the concept of urban gardens are laid out attractively.

However, as the main agenda Daihatsu New Year Exhibition, this time was launched the latest variant Terios ie TS A / T as the most affordable SUV matic current. Daihatsu introduced a variant of the main reasons is the increasing demand for affordable automatic transmission in the SUV segment.

Terios TS Matic itself remains Terios TS adopt the basic concept, that is a tough city cruiser, with the added convenience of extra concepts, such as automatic transmission, side step, and air conditioning blower singles. With the addition of the empty weight of 15 kg, TS Matic remains responsive and efficient fuels, such as the manual version.

In an era where more and more demanding consumers, the demand for comfort in driving is also found in the commercial segment. It is the background for introducing Daihatsu Gran Max Improvement, which has increased the comfort features and materials used, such as an arm rest in the front row, central-door-lock for the Front-Facing MB, and a sliding seat for MB type D. In addition, it introduces additional variants Daihatsu Gran Max Blind Van 1.5L.

Marketing Director of PT ADM, Amelia Tjandra, said, "Daihatsu consistent to continue to provide excellent comfort in driving, but it remains affordable for all segments, with the presence of TS Matic and Gran Max this Improvement. New Year Exhibition, we also held to show our best products to the public. "

In addition, Daihatsu also recently launched sales packages early years 'Daihatsu Maximize Your Life', is an attractive package for the purchase of all Daihatsu models, with interest from 0%, DP 10%, and the free GPS for Xenia (certain types) and the Terios, as well as Free one year subscription package to YesTV Luxio and Sirion.

"With a very affordable price of USD 166.6 million for the TS Matic, we are targeting these variants can be sold around 70 units per month. Meanwhile, with prices starting at USD 85.4 million, we believe we can achieve sales targets Gran Max about 1500 units per month. In addition to our latest package Maximize Your Life, will make customers more easily own a car, "said Suparno Djasmin, CEO of PT. AI-DSO Page

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Specification Modification Hyundai Getz

Pursue sports with a touch of elegant appearance, now seemed to inspire some younger modifier. 2004 Hyundai Getz made a pretty face to make just a little, do not need because it is still too extreme for everyday use. However, this arrangement covers nearly the entire eksterior.Ini not many modifications, most importantly, allow the modification of delicious but simple.

Continue to the audio, Hyundai Getz, which also functions as an entertainment center, making this a car owner gives special attention to the audio sector. Therefore, he gave up the trunk of the car serves as the audio. As the head unit is equipped with monitors indash "as well as audio devices, which are often used devices, such as power amplifiers, subwoofers, midrange speakers Auto Quart tweeters, and capacitor banks.

Spec hyundai getz MT 2004 modification :

Rolling Stock :
Fabulous Expand 18x8.5
Achilles ATR Sport 215/35

Interior :
MB-Tech Cover Seat
Shift Knob Momo

Eksterior :
OEM Hyudai Getz Bodykit
Custom Widebody
Red Wet Look Finishing
Custom Fiber Grill
Tail Pipe HKS
Custom Spring
Custom Shockbraker
Custom Chamber Kit
HID DSv2 8000K 45Watt

I.C.E :
Speaker : Symbion 2-way (front)
Symbion coaxial (rear)
Pioneer coaxial (rear)
Power Amp: Symbion 2000W 4-channel
Lanzar Monoblock 1500W
Cap Bank Symbion 1.5 Farad
Subwoofer : Rockford Fosgate P1 2pcs

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

2012 Jeep Grand Cherokee SRT8 Exclusive

Some details and spy photo of 2012 Jeep Grand Cherokee has been revealed. Which reveal some details of 2012 Jeep Grand Cherokee SRT8 model.The most interesting news we got about the 2012 Cherokee SRT8 model is it will equip 6.4 liter HEMI V8 which can generate approx 510 horse power and 8 speed automatic transmission. When torque is concerned then it provides 510 foot pound torque. However, things are officially not confirmed.

Recently launching her debut in 2011 Jeep Grand Cherokee last week's horrendous enough, now another news, we just received official sketches depicting what appears to be a 2012 Jeep Grand Cherokee SRT8. JeepGrand 2012 Cherokee will get a 6.4-liter HEMI crate.

The biggest news we receive is high Jeep will receive 392 po 6.4-liter HEMI V8 with anywhere between 505-525 horsepower and burning tires around 510 ft-lbs of torque, all driven through the AWD system was revised. 392 HEMI has also been rumored to appear in another 2010 SRT8 models, but we're guessing it will arrive first in mid-cycle refresh for both the Challenger and Charger in 2011.

If all the world like us, then HELL YEAH! We entered a big-time gossip territory here, but there is a glimmer of hope for both the Jeep and SRT enthusiasts together. We have heard from sources within Chrysler that something has been humming along quietly in the garage as the SRT engineers worked hard to develop a Jeep Grand Cherokee SRT8 as a 2012 model.

If the sketch above is anything to go by, 2012 Jeep Grand Cherokee SRT8 will be fine with beasts lowered, sporty suspension, fat five-spoke SRT wheels, larger diameter rotors with multi-piston calipers grippy, revised front and rear fascias, functional cold air induction hood hood and a larger spoiler at the rear. We like what we see, but like GM performance shop, we have to wait and see whether or not Chrysler could raise cash to put out another answer to a question nobody really asked.

As far as body style is matter of concerned, 2012 Jeep Grand Cherokee SRT8 will classified as a 4×4 Limited model. However some source expresses their uncertainty over the spy photo that the prototype is of 2012 Jeep Grand Cherokee SRT-8. No word on when the 2012 Jeep Grand Cherokee SRT8 will make it official debut, but we suspect we could see it on the auto show circuit by the end of the year.

KIba (牙) anime

Kiba (牙-KIBA-?, literally fang, or if divided into Ki-Ba, a spiritual place), a fantasy anime by Madhouse, began broadcasting on TV Tokyo on April 5, 2006. The series is directed by Hiroshi Kōjina with Upper Deck Japan, a trading card game company, as the main sponsor. [1] The anime has been licensed by Upper Deck USA and produced by ADV Films for North American distribution.

The series is more violent than other trading-card-game-tie-in animations with many characters being killed. According to an interview with the March 2006 issue of Animage, Hiroshi Kamishina, the show's director, noted that the show "absolutely will not have any plot elements that curry favor to children".[1] The producers of the show has also commented that Kiba will not be the type of show to put "human drama" on the back burner while concentrating on promotional tie-ins.[1]. While Upper Deck owns the rights to the series, ADV Films is the distributor and their production studio Amusement Park Media is producing the dub. Kiba aired on Toonami Jetstream from July 14, 2008 to January 21, 2009 and is now showing on The Anime Network's Video on Demand service.

Kiba's main character is Zed, a 15-year-old boy who lives in a place called "Calm". Frustrated by his current situation in life he feels that somewhere out there is a place where he can live more fully. One day, at the invitation of a mysterious wind, Zed dives into a space-time crevasse (portal), seeking the answers that might be there. Riding on the wind, he is transported to a war-torn world where magic users called "Shard Casters" fight endlessly with each other, using spells in the form of marble-like "Shards".
With the power of the Shards, the Shard Casters are able to use spells and control monsters called "Spirits". Fascinated by that power, Zed aims to become a Shard Caster. However, he still doesn't know that residing in his body is "Amil Gaul", a mighty Spirit with the power to influence the world's future. Amil Gaul is one of the "Key Spirits" that, when together with the other Key Spirits, can destroy or save the world. There are a total of six Key Spirits: Amil Gaul, Pronimo, Sachira, Monardi, Jumamis and Shadin.
Zed undergoes countless trials in order to find out who he really is and what is most important to him.
Main article: List of characters in Kiba
Zed (ゼッド Zeddo?)
Zed is the 15-year-old main character and protagonist. He is an unsatisfied and unfocused boy living in Calm. One day, he finally gets his chance at a new life when a mysterious gust of wind guides him to a small space/time crevasse. It leads him to Templer, (known as Tempura in the original) a land full of "magic", crystals with strange powers called shards, and monsters called spirits.
Noah (ノア Noa?)
Noah Boalia, 15 years old, is Zed's friend from Calm. He is sickly, but nevertheless insists on pursuing his goals whole heartedly. After Zed goes through the portal to Templer, Noah is eventually teleported to a militaristic land called Neotopia. In the English language version, his name has been romanized to Noah.
Roya (ロイア Roia?)
Roya is a 15-year-old girl living in Templer. She is the disciple of the elder sage Jiko, who rescued a 6-year-old Roya from Tusk. She was to be killed after it was predicted that she would kill her father, Morocco. She is one of the first people who discover Zed as he arrives in Templer, and is an old friend of Mikki.
Jiko (ジーコ Jīko?)
Jiko is a 79-year-old man, and is one of six sages of Templer. Jiko has a rather calm and wise personality, in which he regularly performs rather sagely tasks such as meditation and fishing, while equipped with a mind of void. After Zed arrives, Jiko acts as his mentor, and gives him advice on many occasions.
Robès Redondo (ロベス•レドンド Robesu Redondo?)
Robès is a princely figure living in Templer. He recently became the Shard Champion after winning the Shard Casters tournament.
Sagiri (サギリ Sagiri?)
Sagiri is the princess of the Seekers.
Mickey (ミッキ Mikki?)
Mikki is a friend of Roya and becomes the town bread maker.
Pino (ピノ Pino?)
Pino starts as a maid to Robès but later becomes Mickey's girlfriend and helper at his shop.

Calm: The city in which Zed was raised. A world where the wind never blows and where people don't know about the existence of Shard Casters.
Templer: A land that represents harmony and humanity. The place that Zed is first teleported to and makes his home.
Neotopia: A totalitarian state that revolves around a set of "Ultimate Rules". Anyone who breaks these "Ultimate Rules" is considered an outlaw and is hunted down and killed. There are no second chances and no exceptions. Family members of outlaws were sent to Ulbacus unless they show a high aptitude for shard-casting. In the latter part of the series, Neotopia is taken over by Tusk.
Kalbu-fu: A small territory where the people are persecuted by Zymot. The people of Kalbu-fu have gills and can breathe underwater, furthermore, they are hatched out of eggs.
The Seekers: A floating fortress for the people of Leon, a place that is now part of Zymot. The Seekers seem very mysterious to people from other lands since very little is known about them. However, they seem to be very knowledgeable of a lot of things, such as the existence of Calm. The Seekers are a peace-loving people, they have no desire for power and have only one objective——to keep the key spirits from being assembled in one place. For that reason, they kept Shadin within their fortress, but sent a group of their people to bury Sachira in Leon.
Tusk: A land that is home to two distinct races: the Tusker Humans (first appeared in episode 1), who mostly resemble other humans but are often masked, and the Beastmen (first appeared in episode 19), whose four-armed beastly appearance and ability to use Shard attacks innately (Beastmen cannot use spirit Shards) set them apart from everyone else. Moreover, both Tusker Humans and Beastmen can be recognized by the "tuskans" protruding from their shoulders. The Tusker Humans are led by a council of masked noblemen, who are in turn led by the King Gari, also the king over all the Beastmen. In actuality, Gari is merely a puppet king installed by a council of four masked members to trick other Beastmen into believing that there is a god, Tusker, who would be awakened if enough spirit Shards are gathered, and a sacrifice of a Shard Caster is offered (which has been frequently done, but to no avail). As a result, Tusk is a dangerous place for Shard Casters, even Tusker Humans.
Ulbacus: An observatory-like country with many great scientists (lead by Professor Bender), who focus on gathering information from the best fighters to perfect their own. Ulbacus science enables people who are not shard casters to use shards (via mechanical implants), and can fuse low-level spirits to create stronger spirits. It has been revealed that Ulbacus has no native population, and that most of its residents are people banished from Neotopia. The surrounding area is constantly raining. Famine is a major issue due to a lack of farmland. It's also the residence of Herrick, Ginga,and Moreno.
Zymot: The empire once ruled by the monarchy of King Bakkam, who was later betrayed and overthrown by Hugh. Most of the royal family was executed, later including surviving member Princess Rebecca.[2]
Episode list
No. Episode Title[3][4]

1 "Wind of Destiny"
"Unmei no Kaze" (運命の風) 2006-04-02
In a city called "Calm," a boy named Zed is causing his private school lots of trouble. He's been smashing into doors all over town. He tells his childhood friend, Noa, that he wants to leave Calm and that he feels, by breaking down some barrier, he will be able to.
2 "New World"
"Atarashii Sekai" (新しい世界) 2006-04-09
Zed finds himself in another world, in the country of Templer. He meets Roya and her master, Jiko, and learns about Shard Casters. Without meaning to, he gets into trouble with the law.
3 "Those With Power"
"Chikara wo Motsumono-tachi" (力を持つ者たち) 2006-04-16
Zed meets Dumas and Robès, the top non-sage Shard Casters in Templer. Robès is a playboy aristocrat, while Dumas is a hard-working farmer. Dumas currently holds the title of Shard Champion of Templer.
4 "The Wind's Resolve"
"Kaze no Ketsui" (風の決意) 2006-04-23
Zed desperately wishes to participate in the Joust, the annual fighting competition that decides the Shard Champion. When Mikki expresses his fear of fighting a second round, Zed decides to switch clothes with him.
5 "The Nation of Sacred Law"
"Kairitsu no Kuni" (戒律の国) 2006-04-30
The story changes perspectives. Noa, Zed's friend, is now the protagonist. Noa is also transported to the other world, but he ends up in a different country: Neotopia. There, he is taken in by a man named Carter and his wife. He also becomes close to Aisha and Keith, childhood friends of Carter's son, Gale.
6 "A Rushed Conclusion"
"Hayasugita Ketsumatsu" (早すぎた結末) 2006-05-07
Gale plans to destroy Letto by sending its people to different towns. In order to save the place he has grown to love, Noa tries to persuade Gale to take him and not harm the village.
7 "Awakened Feelings"
"Mezameta Omoi" (目覚めた思い) 2006-05-14
The story returns to Zed and his fight against Robès. Zed is unable to summon his spirit, and so, loses the battle. Robès continues to steal from the townspeople under the alias "No-Face". His butler begs him to stop and Robès agrees on the condition that he can do just one more heist. However, things take a turn for the unexpected when another No-Face appears.
8 "Betrayers' Whereabouts"
"Uragiri no Yukue" (裏切りの行方) 2006-05-21
Robès is locked up and his claims that there is another No-Face are ignored. Zed, however, realises the veracity of his claim. He demands that Robès reveal the identity of the other No-Face. Instead, Robès tosses him a strange flower.
9 "After the Fight is Over"
"Tatakai no Ato" (戦いのあと) 2006-05-28
Zed's spirit does not listen to Dumas, instead attacking the invaders. After the battle, Roya and Zed find a strange girl at the edge of the forest. She asks Zed to lend her his strength.
10 "The Lonely Princess"
"Kodokuna Ōjo" (孤独な王女) 2006-06-04
Rebecca reveals that Zed's spirit is called "Amil Gaoul". Robès and a team are sent to find Dumas.
11 "Premonition of Conspiracy"
"Inbō no Yokan" (陰謀の予感) 2006-06-11
Hugh succeeds in capturing Rebecca. Zed is furious but he joins Elda when Philip sends her on a mission.
12 "The Advance Towards Truth"
"Shinjitsu he no Zenshin" (真実への前進) 2006-06-18
Elda takes Zed to a place where he can get a new and powerful spirit which he can control. At the castle, Rebecca is fearful of her new groom and runs out of the room. Hugh stops her from fleeing and implies in the ensuing conversation that her father is still alive.
13 "Strength to Dash"
"Shissōsuru Chikara" (疾走する力) 2006-06-25
Rebecca decides to return to the castle, in hopes that she might see her father again. On the way, she and Roya are attacked by Elmeida and dragged back to castle. Zed goes off to rescue them. Meanwhile, Robès finally gets to fight Dumas.
14 "Temptation of Power"
"Chikara no Yūwaku" (力の誘惑) 2006-07-02
Zed, Roya and Robès return to Templer. Mikki is depressed over the betrayal and death of his sensei. He has been trying to find work, since he must support himself now. Roya comes up with the idea of selling Mikki's tasty bread. When Robès sees the boy, he decides to give him a gift.
15 "Small Treasure"
"Chiisana Takaramono" (小さな宝物) 2006-07-09
After Mikki attacks Roya, she and Zed go to Robès and then to Zico for information. It seems that Mikki is possessed by Suraguna, his master's old spirit. Meanwhile, Noa prepares to leave Galba, Sagiri and the other nomads.
16 "Tragedy of a Race"
"Higeki no Tami" (悲劇の民) 2006-07-16
Guzman shifts himself to Templer and asks Zed to return with him to Kalbu-fu, where Rebecca is leading a rebellion against invading Zymot forces. Zico forbids Zed to get involved.
17 "Unreachable Desire"
"Todokanu Negai" (届かぬ願い) 2006-07-23
The Zymot forces begin a full-fledged assault on Kalbu-fu. Kemp continues to argue for peace, while Guzman insists on fighting. Noa and Sagiri are being treated at a hospital in Neotopia. Diana tries to convince him to fight for the Neotopian government.
18 "A Wish Beyond Reach"
"Kienai Inori" (消えない祈り) 2006-07-30
The people of Kalbu-fu awaken Promino, a spirit summoned by their collective unconscious. Hugh reveals a connection between it and the spirit he took from Rebecca.
19 "The Land of Darkness"
"Ankoku no chi" (暗黒の地) 2006-08-06
Keith is on the run from the law. He's able to find a shifting shard, and he travels to Templer. Robès is called in to return the runaway to Neotopia, since Templer and it are allied. Robès, however, suggests Zed instead as an escort. The shifting goes wrong, and Roya, Zed and Keith land in Tusk, an ally of Zymot. Both Hugh and Noa go out to find them.
20 "Reunion"
"Saikai" (再 会) 2006-08-13
Roya is taken to the palace of Tusk to be used as a sacrifice. Keith finds Zed, and they go to save her. Meanwhile, Noa continues to search for Keith as Hugh searches for Zed.
21 "Unforgetable Memory"
"Nuguenu Omoi" (拭えぬ思い) 2006-08-20
Roya finds small tuskan protruding from her shoulder, indicating that she is from Tusk. She tries to ask Jiko about it but gets embarrassed. She trains vigorously for an upcoming tournament. Zed waits for arrangements to be made for his journey to Neotopia.
22 "Maze of Memories"
"Kioku no meiro" (記憶の迷路) 2006-08-27
Ginga saves Roya twice, they end up being taken care of by a high class Tuskian. Zed meets up with Roia and decide to stay. At a party celebrating Roia as the Tuskian's new foster daughter, she is told to go see her mother by a mysterious man. At the meeting place, someone shows up determined to kill Roia.
23 "Bonds"
"Kizuna" (絆) 2006-09-03
Roia's family past is revealed. Zed, Roia, Templer's spy get into a battle with the people who want to kill Roia. She is saved from her father by her mother. Zed and Roia return to Templer.
24 "The Yellow Shard of Happiness"
"Shiawase no kiiroi shādo" (幸せの黄色いシャード) 2006-09-10
A bad gang comes for Robes and the butler says he will give them the family's secret yellow shard of Happiness in exchange if they let Robes off. But the three family maids are ambitious for happiness and steal the shard. Bad things happened when the shard granted them wishes. In the end it was a cursed shard and the bad guys were punished by Miki.
25 "Prelude to Battle"
"Tatakai no josou" (戦いの序奏) 2006-09-17
An inter-country joust is being held. Zed and Robes are nominated for Templer, Zed wishes to see Noa which is the main reason he agreed, Roia follows him to joust. Noa is competing in the Joust too, for Neotopia. Zed and Noa meet in Neotopia and chat for a long time as good friends, discussing what has happened and about key spirits.
26 "Lonely Memories"
"Kodoku na kioku" (孤独な記憶) 2006-09-24
The episode recaps Noa's time in Neotopia. This involves both events when his spirit, Sachira, involuntarily released and caused destruction around him, thus causing him to fear his power. It also incorporates Noa's inclusion into Neotopia as its "Savior". Joust First Round
Templer Zed vs. Ulbacus Moreno
27 "Warriors"
"Senshi-tachi" (戦士たち) 2006-10-01
During the Joust, Zed must combat everyone from old opponents to the strange technologists from Ulvarx, who possess wicked devices that are able to defeat even the most powerful spirits.
28 "Proof of Existence"
"Sonzai no Akashi" (存在の証) 2006-10-08
When Zed shows just how powerful a shardcaster he is, the Neotopian leader Hyrum tries to enlist him in his campaign for global domination.
29 "Friendship at Cross-Purposes"
"Surechigau Yūjō" (すれ違う友情) 2006-10-15
When Roya is arrested by the Neotopian soldiers, Zed discovers his friend Noah is very different than the person he thought he knew.
30 "Showdown"
"Taiketsu" (対 決) 2006-10-22
Zed and Noah face each other in the Joust and Noah shows just how mercilessly he can wield his new powers.
31 "The Cost of Ambition"
"Yabō no Daishō" (野望の代償) 2006-10-29
After defeating Zed, Noah stops an attempt on Hyrum's life. He then unmasks Hugh, and defeats him. The final victor, he vows a rematch with Zed.
32 "The Nation's Agenda"
"Kokka no Omowaku" (国家の思惑) 2006-11-05
Assassination attempts on Hyrum continue, as Noah and Zed become pawns in the political game of cat-and-mouse between warring nations.
33 "Lost Luster"
"Ushinawareta Kagayaki" (失われた輝き) 2006-11-12
An Ulvarx faction reveals a technological advantage over Hyrum and Neotopia, and they intend to use this to end Hyrum's reign. But they need Zed and they try to persuade him to join their cause.
34 "War Breaks Out"
"Makiokoru Senka" (巻き起こる戦火) 2006-11-19
Noah and Kira are sent to take out Zed and the Ulbaks assassins. Preparation is made for a celebration in Neotopia. Meanwhile, Zymot and Tusk reveal their alliance for the first time: in an attack on Neotopia.
35 "The Ones Who are Sacrificed"
"Ikenie to narumono" (生贄となる者) 2006-11-26
Zed and Noah fight all four of Nuduu's spirits. When Zed is to take a hit from one of Nuduu's spirits Noah steps in the way and takes the hit for him. Before Zed can see if Noah is alright Noah gets up and heads towards the city which is now under attack. Can Noah get back in time to save the city?
36 "Wings Reborn"
"Yomigaeru Tsubasa" (よみがえる翼) 2006-12-03
The war continues. Sagiri befriends a beastman from Task who saved her life. Herrick gets a hold of and releases Ex-Machina, a composite spirit but who does he run into when he shifts to Neotopia? Noa confronts Hugh in battle, but how are they brought together? And can Zed finally summon Amil Gaul again?
37 "The Fall of the Capital"
"Shuto Kanraku" (首都陥落) 2006-12-10
The three key spirits are having trouble bringing down Ex-Machina; that is, until Amil Gaoul changes his form again. Noa and Zed are captured by Hugh as they are being distracted by the condition of Zed's hand. Roya decides to go to Neotopia to help, and Hugh infiltrates the throne room of the capital!
38 "Endless Battle"
"Owarinaki Tatakai" (終わりなき戦い) 2006-12-17
Jiko arrives in Neotopia to help out Hairam despite his ban. Hairam reveals Noa is to receive another key spirit, if they can find it. And hostages are brought in by Hugh, who will return them if he gets Hairam's head.
39 "Epiphany"
"Kaigan" (開 眼) 2006-12-24
Fuelled by his anger at Hugh's continual massacre of innocent people, Zed called forth Amil Gaoul to fight Pronimo as he duels Hugh.
40 "Sought-After Power"
"Nerareta Chikara" (狙われた力) 2007-01-07
With Neotopia fallen, Tusk now shifts its attention (and forces) to Ulbacus, determined to bring Ulbacus's technologies to Tusk's side.
41 "The Thought that Possessed Him"
"Torawareta omoi" (囚われた思い) 2007-01-14
Ginga has returned to the Ulbaks with Zed and Roya only to find that Professor Bender has given up the lab to Task. Now things have changed and Zed, Roya, and Ginga are on the run from the Task army. In a safe spot Ginga reveals his past then goes to face Dukem while Zed and Roya go deal with Professor Bender. Can Zed and Roya stop the mad Professor and can Ginga defeat Dukem?
42 "A Small Savior"
"Chiisana Kyūseishu" (小さな救世主) 2007-01-21
Sagiri is on board the Seeker ship. Since she is one of them they put her through the test to see if she is there savior which can only be confirmed by the acceptance of the keyspirt. Meanwhile someone has broken into Tempura. What is this new key spirt and who has managed to break into the Tempura base?
43 "Truth Made Known"
"Akasareta Shinjitsu" (明かされた真実) 2007-01-28
Zed's Mother, Sara has appeared and she seems to be fighting Jiko. We go back in time to discover the relationship between Sara and Jiko. Why has Zed's mother appeared and what could she want?
44 "An Unbreakable Spell"
"Tokenai Jubaku" (解けない呪縛) 2007-02-04
Zed's Mother, Sara is defeat by Sagiri's key spirit, Shadin. Sara manages to escape. After the fight Zed tries to pursue his mother but is prevented in doing so by Jiko. Zed is now imprisoned in the Tempura base. Will Zed be able to save his mother from her inner demons?
45 "The Girl Confined to the Castle"
"Rōjyō no Shōjo" (籠城の少女) 2007-02-11
Zed decides to go off with Sagiri and the Seekers to learn about his Mother and his Father. Meanwhile in Task Morima decides she wants to test Mirette to see if she is Task's savior. If Mirette makes it back to the palace alive then Morima will accept her as Task's savior. Can Mirette make it back alive and who was Zed's father?
46 "To the Land Where the Decisions Will Be Made"
"Ketsudan no chi e" (決断の地へ) 2007-02-18
Lord Doruga is accepted among the Jimoto leaders but Morima wants to prove he is worthy by fighting her. Out in Task Gitra prepares to take Mirette back to the palace. Back in Tempura Roya waits for Zed to return. Will Zed return back to Tempura?
47 "A Savior Adrift"
"Mayoeru Kyūseishu" (迷える救世主) 2007-02-25
Zed and Lord Doruga begin their battle. As the battle progress' Zed figures out that Doruga is actually Noa. Since Amil Gaoul is defeating Sachira with ease, Jimu steps in and releases Pronimo and Monardi to make the battle go in the favor of Doruga. With no choice Zed releases Shadin. Becoming impatient Jimu begins to attack Zed while he fights Doruga(Noa). With Zed defeated Jimu takes his Key Spirits. Now with four of the Key spirits all Jimu has to do now is get Sachira from Doruga and find Mirette. Can Zed stop him?
48 "Advent"
"Kōrin" (降 臨) 2007-03-04
Tusker is now effect inside the spirit to control the spirits inside. Noa and Zed had lost their spirits. But the Tusker has a significant effect on their resurrection.
49 "Mother and Child"
"Haha to Ko" (母と子) 2007-03-10
Zed's mother has followed him to a floating isle in Tusk. Overwhelmed by her desire to once again possess Amil Gaoul, she would do anything just to have that great power, but for what reason? Her endless pursuit seemed to have blinded her from her true purpose—to protect her precious son. It is this realization that allowed her to pass away in peace.
50 "An Eternal Bond"
"Eien no Kizuna" (永遠の絆) 2007-03-17
Noa summons Tusker once again, but it's still in its incomplete form; meanwhile, a possessed Noa fights Zed as the four realms (Temperal, Tusk, Neotopia, and Zymot) experience unprecedented turmoils in the form of meteors and earthquakes as they draw near to each other.
51 "To Where the Wind Blows"
"Kazefuku basho he" (風吹く場所へ) 2007-03-24
The episode starts with Zed getting enveloped in Tusker's power; Tusker releases himself and uses Zed's body and spread his wings to reveal his true form. While Zed is inside the endless abyss in Tusker getting lectured about how humans are bad because they want power, all the spirits get released. In the end Tusker is defeated, spirits go back to where they came from, Zed tries to attack Amil Gaoul but ends up shifting and merging with Amil Gaoul and at Calm where the city's wind has returned. In the end Zed leaves for other worlds because he wants to go where the wind takes him, but he promises that a day he will return to Tempura.

[edit] Music
Opening themes
Transcription/Translation Artist Episodes
Sanctuary Nami Tamaki
Hakanaku Tsuyoku Younha
Ending themes
Very Very Afromania
Solar Wind Snowkel
STAY GOLD Limelight
Sekai no Hate made/Until the end of the World Kozue Takada
Insert songs
Nakanaide Afromania
Image songs
Wind of Power / Zed Hiroyuki Yoshino
Go Smiler / Roya Nana Mizuki
Fate / Zed Jun Miyake
Kiba Original Soundtrack 1
• CD 1:
1. zed-fate
2. zed-run
3. roya-pas de bourree
4. zymot
5. templer-fear
6. enemy
7. zed-nostalgia
8. zed-intense
9. dawn
10. templer-breeze
11. templer-promenade
12. roya-sentiment
13. noa-intense
14. noa-calmness
15. battle-approach
16. battle-bump
17. battle-chase
18. zed-friends
19. mother
20. shard-blaze
21. shard-battle
22. zed-regret
23. urban
24. zed-journey
25. Sanctuary [TV ver.]
26. Very Very [TV ver.]
27. solar wind [TV ver.]
• CD 2:
1. Wind of Power
2. Go Smiler
Kiba Original Soundtrack 2
• Disc 1
1. zed-fate
2. war
3. plot
4. joy
5. scene-forest
6. scene-lake
7. scene-desert
8. underground
9. neotopia
10. roya-romance
11. fanfare
12. roya-destiny
13. noa-friends
14. disaster
15. darkness
16. secret
17. seekers
18. shard-battle ~ perish
19. universe
20. tears
21. anger
22. zed-friends (alternative take)
23. Hakanaku Tsuyoku (TV ver.)
24. STAY GOLD (TV ver.)
25. Sekai no Hate Made (TV ver.)
• Disc 2
1. Mei no Naki Kaze ni Fukarete
2. Kaze no Fuku Basho