Tuesday, July 26, 2011

ILLINOIS: Mega-Church Dumps "Ex-Gays" At Exodus International

The Illinois-based mega-church Willow Creek says it is cutting its ties with Exodus International, the infamous group of "ex-gay" liars who promote reparative therapy.
Susan DeLay, director of media relations at the mega-church, says Willow Creek ending its relationship with Exodus does not mean it is any less welcoming to people with same-sex attraction, as "Willow Creek has a whole host of ministries for people dealing with these issues. All we've changed," she continues, "is how we've gone about inviting them into the church, which is the primary issue here." Jeff Buchanan, executive vice president of Exodus International, says his group is disappointed with Willow Creek's decision. "To date, we're still not very clear on the reason why. Our church association is meant to be a referral network of churches that are willing to receive those who are dealing with unwanted same-sex attractions and they're looking for ministry and for help, and that's the sole purpose of their association with us," Buchanan explains. "So, we are still left with questions and a little bit perplexed as to why they have chosen to pull out."

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