Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Corfu X and... Corfu X

Dear readers. I am angry. Really.
- First, i can't access Aerosoft forum's pages and nobody can answer me. Do you have this problem too ?
- Second, One of you just told me that he wanted to reinstall AMS Cancun 2011 FS9 but since he rebooted his computer, now he cannot re-access the scenery anymore. He requested some help at AMS email support and no respons (as a matter of fact, this email is still not working, i tried too)../..
- Third, a greek designer just launched a "Corfu X" airport without any warning and with the risk to confuse us with the other ongoing project from Live in FSX. I know that Greek airports project (GAP) have been themselves overtook by Fly Tampa's LGAV but come on, just a bit of communication would have been fair... No ? Oh, and MEGA Corfu X ? Really ? Remind you of something ?

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