FSX. After the marvelous Vashon airfield, Orbx is working on another freeware for one of its north-west sceneries.
Sunday, July 31, 2011
A new flow is coming...
This is THE NEWS of the day. From John Venema' voice, we hear that Orbx is ready to disclose a new "Flow" technology after Object, People and falling leaves. Some simmers, among the venerables ones, are already guessing WaterFlow, which could enhance rivers and lakes. The final answer in a few days with a video.
Danish Airfields X : first previews !
Brown: SPLC Is The Real Hate Group

On The 4 Year Old Killed For "Acting Gay"
More details have emerged about the horrific killings that I reported on several weeks ago.
Frothy Mix: NY Has Destroyed Marriage
And he seems to deny the "man on dog" comment which earned him his Google infamy.
A great lost
It's a sad news in the flight sim world. Jean-Pierre Brisard has just passed away. With Premier Aircraft Design (PAD), which he joined in 2004, he built dozens of freeware aircrafts. I personally remember of the Socata and the Robin.
Saturday, July 30, 2011
Gay Weddings In Central Park!

Aerosoft Keflavik : hot test
Keflavik Intl. BIKF
FS9 and FSX. The unavoidable airport to complete Iceland X. Special price applied. Lack of animations but great textures.
Version tested : Keflavik X FSX V.1.0.
Main developer : Thorsten Reichert (Cuzco, Larnaca, Iceland X and many more...).
File : 234 mb (FSX) 186 (FS9)
Installation : simple but as usual now, you need 5 mn more to update the launcher.
Framerate : very friendly. More than 15 fps on this config :
(quad core 2,33 Ghz, ATI H5850, 8 m.ram. 1 screen 1024 x 1080 x 32 ATI settings at max quality).
A few months ago, the choice to release Iceland without Keflavik was unappropriate. The Rekjavik airport runways are too short for the usual mid-range aircraft. With Keflavik, ti's time to use the Boeing NG or the Airbus. For an inside flight to IsafJörour, Egilsstaoir or an international flight toward Europe.
As promised, Keflavik is sold with a discount for Iceland previous owners. So you get a good rebate if you bought Iceland a few months ago (in my case) or if you buy both products together now.
The bad :
* Lack of animations around the airport. Curiously i didn't see AES lite (but i will check and update this point if i am wrong). But i didn't see custom road traffic neither.
* There are at least three marvelous hangars but you cannot activate the door. Too bad. Since what i saw in Simaddons sceneries, i am more demanding !
* I would have liked 2 or 3 typical static aircrafts. The cargo area is really empty...
The good :
* You will be impressed by the quality of textures everywhere, especially on front buildings. Some ground textures look like best Orbx sceneries. And the developer really tuned the definition very well in order to get great framerates.
* Really good seasonal textures.
* Since Zurich, Aerosoft really improved itself in night lightings.
* Really fair price with the Iceland X discount.
Main terminal. Textures give a realistic impression of reality and materials.
Nice but i would have like to see inside the terminal.
Irreproachable ground textures
Can't open the hangar !
Great hangar with some rusty textures
Orbx gorgeous kind of texture.
Many details on windows...
Dusk time on winter.
Copyright Airdailyx July 2011
France VFR and FSADDON+ on a closer cooperation
|BtoB] Announced yesterday, the french sceneries designer and the dutch distributor-editor will extend their partnership.../..
Both teams will cross-sell their products on each other shops/webshops. But more than that, they "will actively work towards integrating and expanding certain products. Since both companies have a vested interest in "all things French" and the Alpine regions of Europe, there may be new products combining the perspective strenghts... and passions". said the communique.
We obviously think of Real EArth X products that can be combined with some France VFR range of products. We also think about the new automated autogen (or autogen generator) that might be borrowed or sold. In the opposite, the italian team might (for instance) release some informations about their 3D model mountains but these are just examples of possible technological exchanges. More soon...
BtoB* mean Business to Business. This is information about the flight sim market.
Both teams will cross-sell their products on each other shops/webshops. But more than that, they "will actively work towards integrating and expanding certain products. Since both companies have a vested interest in "all things French" and the Alpine regions of Europe, there may be new products combining the perspective strenghts... and passions". said the communique.
We obviously think of Real EArth X products that can be combined with some France VFR range of products. We also think about the new automated autogen (or autogen generator) that might be borrowed or sold. In the opposite, the italian team might (for instance) release some informations about their 3D model mountains but these are just examples of possible technological exchanges. More soon...
BtoB* mean Business to Business. This is information about the flight sim market.
Majestic and Samdim Bombardier Q400
Cross fingers, a KSAN at last for FSX
So far so good, De Vinci already finished a first airport, Kobe in Japan, that is high quality freeware. San Diego KSAN will be his first payware. We can expect some excellent work.
More informations on De Vinci Development (2De) :
San Diego ground textures almost done.
* Cielosim might claim that his San Diego is still ongoing
but simmers did not see any update or post about it for a long time...
Friday, July 29, 2011
Preview the latest +1 button changes
Webmaster level: All
Want to test the latest +1 features? Today we’re introducing a new option for webmasters who want to be the first to know about changes to the +1 button. Enroll in the Google+ Platform Preview, available globally, to test updates before they launch to all users on your site. When you’re logged into the account you’ve enrolled with and you visit a page with the +1 button, you’ll see the latest preview release.
If you join now, you’ll be able to test the first set of updates we’ve released to Platform Preview: hover and confirmation bubbles.
If you have any questions, please join us in the Webmaster forum. To receive updates about the +1 button, please subscribe to the Google Publisher Buttons Announce Group. And for advanced tips and tricks, check our Google Code site.
Posted by Joshua Ganderson, Software Engineer
Want to test the latest +1 features? Today we’re introducing a new option for webmasters who want to be the first to know about changes to the +1 button. Enroll in the Google+ Platform Preview, available globally, to test updates before they launch to all users on your site. When you’re logged into the account you’ve enrolled with and you visit a page with the +1 button, you’ll see the latest preview release.
If you join now, you’ll be able to test the first set of updates we’ve released to Platform Preview: hover and confirmation bubbles.
If you hover your mouse over a +1 button, you’ll see a bubble letting you know what will happen when you click:

After you click, you’ll receive confirmation that the +1 has been applied:

This will give your site’s users an extra reminder of the account they’re using to +1, as well as the fact that their +1 is public.

After you click, you’ll receive confirmation that the +1 has been applied:

This will give your site’s users an extra reminder of the account they’re using to +1, as well as the fact that their +1 is public.
If you have any questions, please join us in the Webmaster forum. To receive updates about the +1 button, please subscribe to the Google Publisher Buttons Announce Group. And for advanced tips and tricks, check our Google Code site.
Posted by Joshua Ganderson, Software Engineer
CPAC To GOProud: Don't Come Back!
All of the last year's toadying and boot-licking has been for naught. GOProud will not be allowed to return to CPAC, the annual convention of right-wing hate groups. (You may recall that GOProud used CPAC 2011 to publicize the presidential aspirations of Donald Trump.)
World Net Daily exults:
World Net Daily exults:
It's been confirmed. GOProud, the "conservative" organization that has homosexual "rights" at the top of its agenda, is out for the 2012 Conservative Political Action Conference. The event, organized by the American Conservative Union, is one of the largest conferences for conservatives held anywhere in the United States each year. But it had faced the loss of some participants over the past several years specifically because of its inclusion of GOProud.GOProud whines:
Some of the organizations whose leaders have raised concerns in recent years have included heavyweights such as the Heritage Foundation, Media Research Center, Family Research Council and Concerned Women for America. But word of the change came today when WND obtained access to letters mailed to GOProud as well as the John Birch Society, which also was left on the chopping block by the new procedures that Al Cardenas, the chief of the organization, announced he would implement when he took over.
“We have received no notification from ACU. An ACU Board member told me this afternoon that they were unaware of such a decision and that to the best of his knowledge no decision had been made. I certainly hope that is true. The last thing the conservative movement needs right now is a unnecessary, ugly and divisive fight. The stakes in 2012 are too great. GOProud’s number one goal is defeating Barack Obama. That should be the goal of every conservative organization.”
Height Comparison

Morrissey Out-Douches Himself

Cindy Jacobs: My First Biblical Vision

Around three a.m., I was awakened by a voice, "Wake up! I want to talk with you! I am Gabriel and I am here to give you a message from God.” I did not see him; nonetheless, I had no doubt that he was who he said he was. The next thing I knew, I was having a vision of mounting and riding a huge chestnut horse and my friend Julie was mounting and riding a white stallion. She was part of a vast army of women. As the Lord showed me country after country, I saw thousands of women on horseback behind me to march across the earth. In the vision, I was wearing armor and carried a sword.Gabriel told me that the women in the vision comprised a great company of women who would march across the planet, preaching the gospel, doing miracles, and transforming the nations.Jacobs says that God frequently speaks to her personally. That's when he reveals the various reasons that he routinely kills millions of people with earthquakes and tsunamis. Usually, it has to do with the gays. Gay marriage in Mexico City? Kill 50,000 Japanese! So sayeth Cindy.
NEW YORK CITY: Lesbian Sues Queens Sizzler Claiming Anti-Gay Harassment

Lambda Legal charges in the suit that the frightening encounter ensued after the manager accused Liza Friedlander of not paying for the buffet during brunch with friends at the Forest Hills Sizzler last September. The suit, filed in Queens Supreme Court, says the manager shoved Friedlander in the chest and kicked her in the legs while calling her a "fucking dyke" and other epithets. The suit contends the attack set off a frenzy of hateful chants from other patrons, spurring Friedlander's friends to frantically dial 911 out of fear she would be killed. One male diner called Friedlander a "he-she freak" and demanded she leave. Friedlander said it left her shaken. "Just because I don't appear to be the Sizzler manager's idea of what a woman should look like doesn't mean that gives him permission to attack me and allow other customers to join in," Friedlander said.The restaurant manager denies everything and says Friedlander "freaked out" after being told the brunch buffet period had ended.
AUSTRALIA: Man Claiming To Be Jesus Christ Gains Devoted Followers
And he brought Mary back with him!
Christine Quinn Leads NYC Mayoral Poll

Bill Nye On Climate Change
And he takes the Fox News host to school along the way.
Quote Of The Day - Sally Kern

bad hair,
hate groups,
Sally Kern
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